nickboutalas :
Which is better??
Should I get a Mac or a gaming PC with about 1200 euro??
I know that iMacs are really fast because of the materials used to built them but I can upgrade a PC when I need too.
The materials in a mac are the same as a PC...Intel CPU's, Foxconn motherboards, AMD or nVidia GPU (depends which they are currently using). I really don't know where people get this faster stuff.
Price/Performance, a mac doesn't stand a chance against a PC, hands down. You pay a Huge premium to get that apple logo and OSX. The upgrade issues on a mac come from the fact that they only support certain hardware, instead of open for everything on the market.
Best way to see this is to spec out a mac on the apple site, then go to PCPartpicker and spec out the same hardware, the price difference(aka apple tax) will shock you.