[citation][nom]Matthias99[/nom]In theory, there's nothing particularly wrong or uncommon with this approach.[/citation]
Well, the hilarious part, as I mentioned in my lengthy first-page comment, is that Intel has zero recourse against anyone "cracking" their CPUs. This includes any sort of DRM or other restrictions like Microsoft's "Windows Genuine Advantage," which would violate the consumer's rights under the First-Sale Doctrine. Such stuff is only even potentially permissible for copyrighted works (you can't copyright a CPU) is because of the DMCA, which applies specifically to copyrights.
[citation][nom]ang1dust[/nom]This is really a way to cut down on production.[/citation]
Actually, no it doesn't quite work that way. With software, it costs the vendor effectively nothing more to copy the whole thing; the cost for bandwidth is negligible here. But with hardware, in your example that means that EVERY desktop chip suddenly has to have the production cost of a Core i7, with all six cores running, all cache good, and capable of being stable at 3.33 GHz.
There happens to be a reason why Intel charges $1,000 for that very processor:
it costs Intel hundreds of dollars to produce such a chip. The price of a CPU on its own scales proportionally with the size of the CPU die, so making a massive die with 6 cores and 12MB of L3 cache means fewer chips-per-wafer, which means higher per-chip costs.
Semiconductor makers have tactics to make a profit here. The main method is through scaling their designs to different sizes; if they make a 2-core, 4MB die, that means it takes roughly 1/3 the size, and hence, three times the number of chips per wafer, and approximately a THIRD the production cost.
The other part of the equation is binning chips according to their capabilities: some turn out better than others, capable of reaching higher speeds while stable; any overclocker knows that chip yields are random, and hence their overclocking results with a CPU can vary even with identical cooling. Ditto for "locked" cores: they're typically done because damage/flaws on the die (which are commonplace) can render part of the chip unuseable. In single-core times, this meant throwing out the entire chip, but now if the damage is all in one/two/etc. cores, they simply "lock out" those cores and hence the damage doesn't matter. The only reason "unlockable" CPUs exist at all is because occasionally, it's still profitable to bin a perfectly-good quad-core die as a dual/triple-core CPU to keep up with market demand for that segment; better to only make reduced profit than to not have that un-wanted quad-core sitting on your hands while your competitor sells a chip instead.
Overall, the above outlines why such an idea is, financially, downright stupid. Yes, Intel may make a killing on a Core i7 980X, but that's not because it's cheap to produce; they still run perhaps $400-700US to make per, while they SELL for $1,000US; it's $300-600US profit, which is high in absolute terms, but low in realtive terms, being only 42-150%.
It's foolish to try selling a product for less than it costs to make. And no, it's faulty logic to assume that Intel could recoup their losses through the profits they made on users actually "upgrading" their CPUs. This is because
the vast majority of the market is at the low-end; you're forgetting that the users don't fall into two groups; not everyone would either crack or pay Intel's scam fee. The vast majority simply wouldn't bother at all, so they just paid $100US for a dual-core CPU that cost $400US for Intel to make. Remember that enthusiasts like us only make up a tiny percentage of the market, (probably less than 1%) and that even among us, only a handful actually have a shiny hexa-core CPU.
[citation][nom]ang1dust[/nom]The crack codes will be all over but id love to see someone come up with a poll that shows how many people actually use "cracked" software vs legit. Im sure the cracked is high but when you in clude businesses i think its actually quite small. You cant "PHYSICALLY" crack the processor so if they allow for software cracks i think it can turn into microsofts genuine problem. Every version since xp has been crackable...[/citation]
First off, as I mentioned in my first-page comment,
hardware cracking, in and of itself, breaks no laws. The DMCA only applies to copyrighted work; hardware cannot be copyrighted.
Secondly, attempting to enforce something like WGA on hardware would actually
be illegal, as the vendor (Intel) would be violating patent law; as I described, there's something called the "First Sale Doctrine;" once that chip is sold by Intel, Intel has ZERO rights to say on what's done with it. So any attempt to dictate or control what happens with it would not be permitted by Patent law. Common sense agrees:
Intel sold it, so they don't own it.
Also, you CAN perform physical hacking/cracking, as adding new circuits does not require spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing a whole new chip; it merely requires paying $10-100US to acquire a
field-programmable gate array.