Solved! Intel core i3 330m vs core 2 duo

Not a very precise answer, but then that wasn't a very precise question.

Core 2 Duo is a whole family of processors, whereas i3 330m is a single, very specific processor.

i3/i5 is the newer generation, and is generally better, but for battery life, the CULV Core 2 Duo (su4100, su7300) still can't be beat.

Graphics wise, the i3 330m has the new Intel GMA HD IGP which is somewhat superior to the 4500MHD that usually comes with the CULV Core 2 Duo: it can handle HD, but forget about any serious gaming.

Essentially, it depends *what* you want to do with it...
^ Pretty much says it all.

The new core series has the hyperthreading for better performance, but the CULV line is better for long battery life (for those 10+ hour laptops/netbooks).

but do you think there is some thing like serious gaming?
as the games you are talking about are in the very starting stage and by the time they will be affordable for you and me and worth playing for at-least me Intel would have launched the new g-series for gamers.
or rather the future is in processors, being developed here ,which will never be replaced they could be upgraded on a single click.
So do not waste your money on any of these as the future processors will be launched within 2 years before the so called high graphic motion sensing games will be in market properly.
one question for intellect people like you
Q. why is it that a game or program becomes to advanced the day a new processor is launched?