IPad or Macbook Air/Other Suggestions?

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Feb 12, 2010
So I'm teetering on whether to get an iPad or a macbook air, or some other very slim, portable and long battery life solution laptop. My dad owns an ipad and, while it seems very portable and could solve any battery life solutions i might have, just doesn't do everything I would want it to do. For instance, I like having adobe flash and access to all online games I may want to play, and being able to use microsoft word on the go could prove useful to me on a laptop. Also, the app store just doesn't always cut it for me sometimes. I also already own an iphone 4, which in reality solves all my problems for really needing an ipad, meaning the ipad only gives me the increase in size.

So I guess I'm asking, am I a fool if i buy an ipad over the macbook air if I already have an iphone? Or are there any other laptops out there similar to the macbook air that i could consider?

p.s. sorry for any grammar errors. Writing this article a bit on the fly.
Between iPad and MBA,it all depends on your usage.As an iPad owner,I'd recommend iPad for light computing such as mail,web surfing,watching vids,reading books/PDF files or you can use the iWorks trio apps which are quite useful.
But for higher needs,definitely go with MBA.
well you gave reasons right there in your post why you would rather have macbook air than an iPad, so I don't understand what is your problem in making a decision? get the air and be done with it.

are there cheaper versions of ultraportable laptops? probably, but since you already got so much apple brand hardware you might as well keep going just for sake of compatibility issues.

Right on the first part - I'll stick with ruling the iPad out and get a laptop. the decision lies however, in what kind of laptop to purchase. I like the Air's design, as it aims towards what I'm looking for, but when you say its more compatible with what I have - not so much. I'm typing on a windows 7 desktop as we speak, and am looking for something to replace my windows 7 laptop, whether it be with another windows 7 laptop or not. (I'm replacing my current laptop because I want something lighter and less "portable desktop" type. it weighs 6 pounds or so). So I guess what I'm mainly asking now is, is there any portable laptops that are similar to the macbook air (thin, very light, easy to carry around and good battery life) ?

thanks for your captain obvious reply trying to make me seem like I'm 'special', but I was asking if theres anything similar to the macbook air, not "who offers netbooks." But i find doing google research is ten times faster than waiting for anyone intelligent to reply here, so thanks anyways.
Between iPad and MBA,it all depends on your usage.As an iPad owner,I'd recommend iPad for light computing such as mail,web surfing,watching vids,reading books/PDF files or you can use the iWorks trio apps which are quite useful.
But for higher needs,definitely go with MBA.
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