iPhone 10 or 10xs?

Sep 17, 2018

I currently have an iPhone 7. I would like to know if it’s better to upgrade to the iPhone 10 or the new iPhone 10xs or stay with my current phone until the phone is paid off next year?
My comment wasn't aimed at you but I'm not an Apple user. All I can say is if a new model means more debt and still only makes phone calls, is it worth the upgrade. Do you need the extra things it can do?

Apple relies on sales to people who've fallen for the bling and would throw a thousand dollars at a "new" model if it was the same old, same old but a different colour.

If you aren't on the move at all times of the day, you probably use a computer.

Just my £0.02.

Thanks for the response. I wanted to know if it’s better upgrading from the iPhone 7 to the new iPhone X’s because of the more improved specs then the iPhone 10? Thanks.
My comment wasn't aimed at you but I'm not an Apple user. All I can say is if a new model means more debt and still only makes phone calls, is it worth the upgrade. Do you need the extra things it can do?

Apple relies on sales to people who've fallen for the bling and would throw a thousand dollars at a "new" model if it was the same old, same old but a different colour.

If you aren't on the move at all times of the day, you probably use a computer.

Just my £0.02.