Iphone 3g IOS upgrade

Zain Cheema

Aug 9, 2013
I have an Iphone 3g spare in the house but realised that it is on IOS 4.2.1 I really need to know whether it can be updated there must be a way. lag wont bother me too much just need ios 5+ without getting an iphone 3gs
You can't actually update it. There is another modded Apple OS (forgot the name) that does support the iPhone 3G though. (possibly called whited00r?
No way. To be honest, even if you could upgrade to iOS 5 it would be horrible, not just a bit of lag but prob quite bad. The 3g is basically a modified original iPhone, it is ever so slightly more powerful but not enough to run iOS5. I find my iTouch struggles with iOS 5.

Also why do you need iOS 5?

If memory serves, its iOS 4.2.1 (or whatever the latest is), but its pre jailbroken with a bunch of cool features. It adds some features that iOS 5/6 has but the core OS is still 4.2.1.