iPhone 7 vs iPhone 6s Plus?


Dec 14, 2016
Okay so I'm looking to buy a new phone next month and I have these 2 as my top 2 options. I'm switching over from a Galaxy S5 and I had the LG G3 before, and I'm switching because I'm tired of all the unnecessary problems I have with Android. Not hating on Android because I've had it for 2-3 years now, but I just find that the iPhone fits my lifestyle better.

So right now, the 2 phones are exactly the same price, the question is which one should I buy?

I want to have this phone for the next 2-3 years. On one hand the 6s plus has AMAZING battery life, which is important to me because I watch ALOT OF YouTube and software wise, I'll probably get everything that the 7 does, but I really don't like the size because if I was going to by a 5.5 display phone, I wouldn't go any bigger than the LG G3 size.

With the iPhone 7, I get the latest and greatest from Apple, has a better camera which is also important to me because I do use Snapchat a lot and it's easier to hold, but then again what is the use of all these features if I have to charge it once I get home from school and another one overnight. The display isn't that much of a problem tho because if I do want to watch 1080p video on a phone, I still will have this S5 and overall on a daily basis, I really don't care about the resolution of my phone.

I guess another way to put it is in 2018-2019, which phone would you rather have, or at least which phone do you think will age better?
In the long term, the later models of phones always hold up longer with software updates and slowing issues. So, the iPhone 7 is most likely a better purchase. If you are worried about battery life, you could always buy a battery case which would prolong your device's daily usage time. So, the iPhone 7 would be a better buy.
In the long term, the later models of phones always hold up longer with software updates and slowing issues. So, the iPhone 7 is most likely a better purchase. If you are worried about battery life, you could always buy a battery case which would prolong your device's daily usage time. So, the iPhone 7 would be a better buy.
Definitely iPhone 7 is better. Why? Because it is the newer version and when it come to technology always look forward never adjust for past things if you can afford the latest one the why settle with the older one.