iPhone to Finally Gain Multitasking This Summer

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Android phones suck big time. Will never buy one. had one and it was rubbish... was super slow, had sucky apps.
Apple has never been big on features list, they have been big on nailing the features they do have and creating an impeccable end user experience.

An impeccable user experience for the technologically dumb feels like a cage to people of slightly above average intelligence. Intelligent people require more options and a more open platform. Trading freedom for the security of limited options is not the way to go.
the "cult" is the elitist techno-geeks who are blind Apple haters. It's immature and obnoxious.

Honestly, I dont hate Apple. I watch Apple as a case study in how mediocrity can be sold to the masses provided it is dressed up in fancy casing and marketed ad nauseum; forget not the unconditional US media's proud trumpeting for Apple's products-- usually trumpeted as the work of a the genius Steve Jobs; yes no joke here.

What I do like about Apple is the fact that they are indirectly making other manufacturers create even more advanced products than those they had already have created.

So in conclusion, Apple besides being a case study on how to market to the technologically dumb using information age technology, is actually indirectly helping create a superior product base. Windows 7 is an example of that, also Windows xp, (two operating systems that I dont use, but which are clearly superior to the operating systems Apple produced).

[citation][nom]dannyaa[/nom]I am not an Apple fanboy. I don't even OWN a Mac! But I'm sick of blind Apple hate. For the record I have 4 home built PCs. But as programmer/developer, I am very impressed with the framework and Apple's solution to make multi-tasking better than on any other mobile device.[/citation]

Not an Apple fanboy? Right ... You wouldn't have multiple lengthy diatribes defending Apple's choices if you weren't.

I'm a developer too. I recently got OSX running on VMWare so I could try out the iPhone SDK (translation: Xcode and Objective-C). Mac OSX is weak. I would take Linux w/ KDE or Gnome any day. Win7 beats it hands down in features and intuitiveness. As for the SDK/IDE, Their IDE and SDK stink. Xcode is one of the worst IDE's I have seen in my life. Objective-C looks like every other Apple product. They've changed it just enough from C++ so it's different for the sake of being different, but then being awful on top of different.
[citation][nom]dopey117[/nom]Hey no fair i wanted to shoot him down! Lol yeah and in case you didnt know the iphone has a 3.5 inch screen and the droid has a 3.7 inch screen so im not sure how you call that bigger and the iphone 3GS is 480 x 320 my droid is 854 x 480 resolution. You obviously dont know what your talking about. Also i have a 16gb REMOVABLE micro sd card and i could get a new 32gb for about $30 where as you had to pay like an extra $100 to get you 32gb[/citation]

Lol, sorry! I was there and we know it needed doing! Wish I'd known he was straight up wrong about the screen cause it would have been better! :)
Sorry, but this quote just pisses me off.

"Literally, there is nothing I can think of that I have any use for that it doesn't handle, and better than "true" multi-tasking." - dannyaa

This statement is the embodiment of why Apple fanboys irritate the hell out of me. It's presumptious. It's litterally saying "Apple says this is all I need, so we don't need anymore."

I say, "what else do you need? I don't know, but dammit, I don't want to be stopped from doing it." Need I point out that if this was created 3 years ago, VoIP wouldn't have been included, an 5 years ago, IM notifications wouldn't have been there. It's impossible to know what innovations a "feature" like Apples limited multi-tasking will inhibit.
The old iphones can't do it because they don't have the power... because Jobs is too cheap and too greedy to give them power. All for profit! Life is profit!
I'm so glad I bought a Nexus One. Stuck on at&t's network for now though 🙁
Long responses have nothing to do with an Apple or PC fanboy. I am unashamedly a fan of TECHNOLOGY which is why I read and post on Tom's. If it is good tech, I am a fan - but with no loyalty to either company. For me, PCs fit my needs, but I admire Apple for the tech they produce. You'll see just as long a post if Apple makes some POS and everyone praises it. If you want to define that as an "apple fanboy" I won't sleep at night - it would be about as intelligent as the rest of your responses.

[citation][nom]cyprod[/nom]Sorry, but this quote just pisses me off."Literally, there is nothing I can think of that I have any use for that it doesn't handle, and better than "true" multi-tasking." - dannyaaThis statement is the embodiment of why Apple fanboys irritate the hell out of me.[/citation]

Let it irritate you all you want, but your response is completely unintelligible and you miss the point. The multi-tasking Apple has implemented is not limiting to any task, even the nerdiest of task. So get to it, name things that it can't handle that are of any use. I can't think of ANY. The only thing you point out is how Apple is late to the game. So what? They came late with a better solution. Period. They deliver "smart" multi-tasking VS "brute force" multi-tasking.

But cyrpod, Apple's strategy is clearly different. They intentionally limit to control what is released until it is fully mature, or unless it is up to a certain quality. That won't sit will with the l33t tech crowd. The rest of the world is thankful. Most people want solutions that work, not solutions that are brand new and will work someday but until then look neat on a spec sheet and might be fun to play with. THANK GOD someone other than an uber nerd owns a company that understands everyday people so they can make a computing experience the 'real' world enjoys. The only ticked off and irritated people are the tech obsessed who say they don't think they are elitist, they only think Apple gets away selling mediocre technology to below average people. LOL! *THAT* is an elitist statement!

Why? Because it implies if someone was SMARTER, they would know better. Could you admit that someone SMARTER THAN YOU might CHOOSE Apple because they find it to be a better solution? If you can't, it's because you are an elitist. PERIOD.

Why? Because if you haven't got it yet, computers have stopped being about the hardware inside some years ago. Now that computer hardware from 2006 *still* handles what most people want their computers to do (and handles it exceptionally well), the hardware is the LEAST important part of a computer purchase to most people today. Get a grip on that and you'll start to see why someone can be fully informed and still want a Mac. These aren't "below average" people. They are people who don't give a rip if their car has 260 HP if they just want to commute to work on the freeway. They'd rather have a shiny car, plush suspension, decked out interior. Meanwhile car enthusiasts are telling them what an uninformed moron they are because the Subaru WRX gives you more power for less. *THAT* is the "LOL".

What's my point? My point is, look, we are all the car builders. I love my figurative WRX. But guess what? For my friends and family, I recommend many of them to Apple because for *THEM* it is better. In fact, it's to the point where for MOST PEOPLE Apple is the way to go if they can afford it, because while they pay a price premium, the overall experience pays off for them.
No official support. Thank God theres an app on Cydia for that. Ive been multitasking on my iPhone 3G ever since I first jailbroke it. My contract ends next month, so that new iPhone coming out this summer better be nice or Im hopping off the bandwagon..
[citation][nom]dannyaa[/nom]Long responses have nothing to do with an Apple or PC fanboy. I am unashamedly a fan of TECHNOLOGY which is why I read and post on Tom's. If it is good tech, I am a fan - but with no loyalty to either company. For me, PCs fit my needs, but I admire Apple for the tech they produce. You'll see just as long a post if Apple makes some POS and everyone praises it. If you want to define that as an "apple fanboy" I won't sleep at night - it would be about as intelligent as the rest of your responses.[/citation]
Awww... you hurt my feelings.

You speak of intelligence, and others' lack thereof, quite a bit in all of your posts. That leads me to think you are quite insecure in yourself and/or your purchases. Keep going with your deluded elitist attitude all you want, genius.

Apple is not the end-all-beat-all manufacturer. Nor do they just "get it right" every time. You claim to be "fan of TECHNOLOGY," but I see that as a defense by most Apple supporters now a days. This, to them, is a clever way to hide the fact that technologically, Apple products are without, but they choose to ignore that fact and purchase the Apple products in spite of it. Ever heard of cognitive dissonance? To me, this is a classic case.

Back to the point of multitasking, Apple's implementation is crap. Do you remember Mac System 6/7/8/9 and before? It used the same multitasking as what has been described in this Apple farce: cooperative multitasking. MultiFinder and Switcher were complete crap back in the 80's/90's and some of the biggest motives for dropping Apple's native Mac OS entirely and going to OSX/FreeBSD. Yes, iPhone/iTouch OS is not a desktop system. No, it doesn't need to be the exact same. But, Apple, as usual is being different on this to be different. Other phones have full preemptive multitasking and it works quite well. This has more to do with control of their closed little system than anything.

Speaking of control, I like how Apple's latest EULA basically invalidates products like MonoTouch and Unity. Way to go Apple! Force every developer to use crappy Xcode and Objective-C.
I really hope AT&T gains some kind of google phone in the next 2 years. I don't like how closed the iPhone and I don't feel that I have to jailbreak my phone so I can download backgrounder (which is a sub par multitasking app that crashed my phone twice), but I am not moving to Verizon or any other provider because I do pay less for service compared to my gf who has the same services as me.
No point in arguing with Tom's user base. They are so blinded with Apple hate that it is becoming a cult.

You know its bad when you click on a completely non-relevent article and you find anti-apple comments.

It's literally becoming like this:

Apple announces new product: Wow this is going to fail. Bullshit. Overpriced. Idiots are going to buy it. Tom's is being paid by Apple!
Xyz announces new product: AMAZING!!! WOW THIS IS TOTALLY BETTER THEN APPLE. OMG they should of done this sooner! Steve Jobs is a pedophile.

Apple donates millions to schools: Brainwashing. Corporate takeover. Evil company trying to market. Probably going to make them pay licensing. Never going to buy an Apple product. Too many Apple articles, this place is going to shit.
Xyz donates millions to schools: True example of a good company. Apple would do this if they weren't too busy emptying wallets. This will probably make me buy more products. Steve Jobs is a greedy mofo.

Apple announces update: Still shitty. Wow made it even worse. Too late. Wasn't going to buy it anyways. Wow they are probably adding advertisements too! Seriously? Four articles in a week?
Xyz announces update: Unbelievable. Can't wait to get my hands on this. WINNER! Apple is far behind. Steve Jobs can suck it.

Seriously, a company is a company. It's not a religion, it's not a cult. I buy products from Coke, but I'm not going to make it my life to hate any innovation that any other company comes up with. I'm not going to talk shit about an unreleased Pepsi product, the least I can do is try it and offer constructive criticism instead of making myself look like a corporate worshipping douchebag.

Oh and lets get on fact straight: Steve jobs takes a salary AND bonus of $1 a year. I don't understand how that equates to greed? Other tech company CEOs (Steve Ballmer 1mil+, Mark Hurd 24mil+) make far more and are not even talked about. When the HP Slate was announced, I didn't hear anyone talk about the $550 price tag and Mark Hurd's ridiculous salary of $24,000,000. But for some reason, when the iPad came out at $500 Steve Jobs was called greedy. It makes no logical sense at all.

Companies are greedy because of the nature of their existence. If you cannot understand that a company exists to make a profit, then you have no place in commenting about them.
No point in arguing with Tom's user base. They are so blinded with Apple hate that it is becoming a cult.

You are arrogant. I personally don't hate apple. As I have stated before, I welcome the competition. The only problem is that so far Apple has provided no serious competition, and has opted mostly to casing its mediocre products nicely and using its unconditional US media support to brainwash technologically gullible people. I would like Apple to truly produce superior products, and to abandon its propagandist tactics. Another sense of concern is how Apple is curtailing the freedom of the consumer with its overt focus on digital rights management, and proprietary controls.

I doubt very seriously that Tom's readers are opposed to Apple per say. What they are opposed to is mediocrity portraying itself as great via the use of propaganda, and charging a premium for products whose truth worth is considerably less.

Yes, members of the technocracy (geeks) dont like seeing dumb Apple fanboys posing in public as tech-cool with their over-priced mediocre hardware, (here in New York City that is a serious problem in public spaces). I personally don't mind that. I for example, love using fountain pens with gold nibs that cost over 2 thousand dollars. I would, however, never never claim that I can write better with such a fountain pen than with one worth 20 dollars. In passing, let me add that unlike a crApple toy, an expensive fountain pen will keep its value for decades, if not centuries, and besides truly enjoying them, that is why I like buying them.

So please get your facts right.

ome on guys it not that we are apple hater's or iphone haters. For me it's simply I RESPECT my money because I don't get them as easy as you get them in US and I am not going to give them to a company that doesn't respect me and my money.

when they released the 1st Iphone they told as it does mailing, surfing, google maping etc. OH and it's a phone...!
THEN they made an Iphone 3G to make you buy it because 1st Iphone was on perpuse slow to surf, mail, and DL the maps + it was not 100% complete phone. THEN since you had the speed you needed a faster iphone to load all these goodies so take the 3GS and now since you hav the hardware to run all those thing take the multitasking to do more at the same time.

For ME Iphone 3G had to be the 1st generation and the one they are making now the 2nd generation. At the moment I am happy with my HTC touch (i have ported linux on it) it does everything has the same hardware with 3GS and with the extent it battery can last days + double screen resolution in smaller screen size.

I don't care for the cameras I am happy with a 3.2mp and a good flash + a front camera for video calling.

Apple can make today my dream Iphone but they DO NOT want, they just want sales and $$$

I want an Iphone with
* 3.2-5MP camera + LED flash
* Front VGA or 1.3MP camera
* 3 or 4 times higher screen resolution from the current one
* Better battery life Or keep the same but let as have a spare in our pocket.
* HSDPA/HSUPA, Bluetooth that can transfer files too!!!

If it has a 1GB RAM and a 1Ghz cpu I am bying it even double price!!
Come on guys it's not that we are Apple hater's or Iphone haters. For me it's simply that I RESPECT my money because I don't get them as easy as you may get them in US and I am not going to give them to a company that doesn't respect me and my money.

When they released the 1st Iphone they told as it does mailing, surfing, google maping etc. OH and it's a phone...!
THEN they made an Iphone 3G to make you buy it because 1st Gen Iphone was on purpose slow to surf, mail, and DL the maps + it was not 100% complete phone.
THEN since you had the speed you to access all those you needed a faster Iphone to load all these goodies. So take the 3GS!!!
And now since you have the hardware to run all those things take the multitasking to do more at the same time...!!!

For ME Iphone 3G had to be the 1st generation and the one they are making now the 2nd generation. At the moment I am happy with my HTC touch (i have ported linux on it) it does everything i can think of for a phone, it has about the same hardware with 3GS and with the extented battery, it can last days + double screen resolution in smaller screen size compare to Iphone 3GS. It is only missing flash but it's much smaller than the Iphone so no complains here.

I don't care for the cameras I am happy with a 3.2mp and a good flash + a front camera for video calling.

Apple can make today my dream Iphone but they DO NOT want, they just want sales and $$$

I want an Iphone with
* 3.2-5MP camera + LED flash
* Front VGA or 1.3MP camera
* 3 or 4 times higher screen resolution from the current one
* Better battery life Or keep the same but at least let as have a spare in our pocket.
* HSDPA/HSUPA, Bluetooth that can transfer files too!!!

If it has a 1GB RAM and a 1Ghz cpu I am bying it even double price!!

PS: Sorry for the double post but for some reason I had letter & words missing and couldn't find how to edit through toms forum...
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