Question iphone8

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Feb 26, 2023
I want a easy way to keep passwords and was thinking of using my small iphone 8 to do this with. I turned off wifi and the phone service is off also as i purchased a new one.
I had last pass and they got hacked. To many hacks of information out there and nothing is safe any longer. So instead of paper i was thinking of using my old iphone to do this with.
I use my thumb print to log into phone.
Just wanted to know what this community thinks of that idea.
Feb 26, 2023
True,but in keeping passwords nothing is safe . I had a password keeper lastpass and it got hacked. Nothing seems secure at all so I figured instead of writing it down this would be better and the chances of that phone going bad is slim. I would rather lose my info to that then getting hacked. Any other ideas.
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