To understand the original argument which has not, you should study the topics of Disruptive Technologies:
The wikipedia article is a bit generic, but there is a sub-category of disruptive innovations where even if the preceding technology is superior; people will compromise and take the inferior technology if it gives enough of a new benefit or is just plain cheaper.
You can read the article to see list of other examples but:
Digital Cameras/video vs film:
When Digital came out, it was easy that digital was inferior to film cameras.
Where are we now on film cameras
"Real Camera" vs Phone cameras
Clearly phone cameras produce crap pictures and video compared to even a real point and shoot family camera, especially the first 5-10years of it.
But where are we now on point-and-shoot cameras versus phone cameras.
Vinyl vs CDs, then MP3s versus CDs; and now streaming/youtube versus downloads
all of these technologies of these are "worse" than the preceding tecnology. Where are we now on this.
CRTs are superior to LCDs, but where are they now.
Desktops vs laptop is going the same way. The purists will still claim the technical superiority of the prior technology, however the market has spoken and sales of laptops exceed desktops by far even if they are "inferior".
As shown in this thread, you will get the snooty people who will say "real" photography should use film, or vinyl is always better. Take from that what you will.
Game designers cannot just ignore this huge section of customer base; and as a result, all games can be played on so-called "gaming laptops"
So Gaming Laptop is NOT a gimmick, it's what many game makers will have to cater to when making their product (although perhaps not at ultra or max settings).