Is this a good gaming laptop


Sep 30, 2012
:hello: im thinking of getting a gaming laptop and i just wanted a honest opinion on if this is a good choice THANKS 😀 :bounce:

ITS THE Samsung RF511 Core i5 2450M NP-RF511-A03DX with a 2GB (1GB dedicated) NVIDIA GeForce GT540M (Optimus)
It's not a good gaming laptop no, but it's sufficient to play games like BF3 on the lowest settings, but might struggle with FPS on some games. How much have you found it for? There may be better options.

Like you I'm looking to buy a budget gaming laptop for around 500 quid, and I'm probably gonna go for this one:

Can't find it less than around 560-600 quid elsewhere. It has a 640m which will play BF3 on med settings at about the same FPS as the 540M on low, and on low the 640m plays BF3 40+ fps which is decent. The CPU only turbos to 2.3ghz but from all of the reviews I've seen it appears the GPU will bottleneck before the CPU anyway so it makes more sense if you are looking to do only gaming.

That's my opinion.
what im really want a gaming laptop for is for a game called Day Z and im on the move allot so if anyone has an idea on a laptop that can play that without any hiccups that would be greet
Be weary of Acer laptops right now. Make sure you're thorough on your homework and research. They have been getting a lot of bad publicity ranging from DOA products to downright horrible tech support. You can search or own forums and find multiple instances of issues with Acer.

You can find issue with every laptop in existence if you wanna search for it :/ The M3-581TG Timeline is a solid laptop based on user reviews.

What I meant by that was very recently, within the past 2 months they have had really bad reviews, like it's a current trend.

I don't know what the price conversion would be for you guys, but a really good brand that's backed up by one of the biggest names in the market would be Lenovo. Granted, they're not known for "gaming" laptops & desktops but what they are known for is solid products using quality components.

Something such as the Lenovo G780 $630 USD shipped. Again, I apologize for my ignorance when it comes to currency exchange rates.

After paying for overseas postage, and then imports VAT it's gonna work out 500 quid, in which case he's much better off with the Ultra Timeline which has a 640m which is quite a bit better for gaming than a 630m. That's just my opinion though.
600$-800$ gaming laptops:

The OP is in the UK, imports tax is about 25%, and then he has to pay for overseas delivery, so this site is only really useful for American users.