Is this the 400$ high end lossless music listening experience ever possible?

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Dec 31, 2016

Watch the immage i attached to understand pls i just create a presentation of my configuration

if you are lazy:

Tidal Master enabled
No eq
no sound echancments
2 channels 24 bit 192000hz
Bose quiteconfort 35II (wired no wireless)

Remember this is intended to be the max you can get in terms of sound quality with a 500$ max butget.
any suggestions?

Guys im here to thanks all of you for your patince and profesionality, i really apreciate all of your answer.
Today i went to the shop and i finally bought the Bose QC35II for 300 swiss franc, as soon as i was in the bus i opened them and i tried to play some tidal song from my iphone 7s via captune wich is a senheisser third part app wich allows me to EQ tidal, basically Bose qc35II sound terrible im not joking guys in comparison with beats audio solo 2 bose are so bad, it leak in terms of bass thats crazy the first feeling was to wear a pair of cheap headphone like 100$ dollar headphone medium quality.
i was like :??:
So back home i tried to compare my beats solo 2 using my pc with tidal and playing some 24/96hz music i tried to listen the same song before with bose and then beats, guys you wont believe me im astonished cuz the higher quality of the beats solo 2 in comparison of the bose.
Tomorrow ill comeback to the store and ill get my money back ill buy probably beats studio3
Like I said the only thing I'd buy Bose for is the noise cancellation. I'd never buy Beats for anything.

Why not try some good headphones instead? Beats are fashion headphones for people who don't know any better or don't care about anything but looks.
Im tryna to deal with the wondering, how's possibly a thing like this?
Doing some math thats no sense:

Bose qc35II

Std. Err.
: 1.55 dB
Low-Frequency Extension
: 10 Hz
: 2.51 dB
: 1.41 dB
: 1.2 dB

Beats Solo 2

Std. Err.
: 3.37 dB
Low-Frequency Extension
: 10 Hz
: 3.16 dB
: 3.76 dB
: 4.1 dB

Bose qc35II
Std. Err.
: 1.4 dB
: 0.36 dB
: -0.96 dB
: -1.03 dB

Beats solo2
Std. Err.
: 2.42 dB
: 0.26 dB
: -3.42 dB
: -1.28 dB

Bose cq35II
Std. Err.
: 2.88 dB
: 0.35 dB
: -2.6 dB
: -2.92 dB

Beat solo2
Std. Err.
: 3.21 dB
: -0.5 dB
: -0.64 dB
: -7.35 dB


THIS IS NO SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!! :fou::no:

The fact is that as i said:

Bose qc35II

Std. Err.
: 1.55 dB
Low-Frequency Extension
: 10 Hz
: 2.51 dB
: 1.41 dB
: 1.2 dB

Beats Solo 2

Std. Err.
: 3.37 dB
Low-Frequency Extension
: 10 Hz
: 3.16 dB
: 3.76 dB
: 4.1 dB

Bose qc35II
Std. Err.
: 1.4 dB
: 0.36 dB
: -0.96 dB
: -1.03 dB

Beats solo2
Std. Err.
: 2.42 dB
: 0.26 dB
: -3.42 dB
: -1.28 dB

Bose cq35II
Std. Err.
: 2.88 dB
: 0.35 dB
: -2.6 dB
: -2.92 dB

Beat solo2
Std. Err.
: 3.21 dB
: -0.5 dB
: -0.64 dB
: -7.35 dB


THIS IS NO SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!! :fou: :no:

Beats are incredibly better than bose and the sound quality even though is little bit "overshadowed" is pretty good and powerful.
So now i ve fear to buy a new pair and possibly get unsatisfied again

I love my Bose for the office to cancel out the surroundings. I did prefer the Sony MX-1000 over the Bose but I got the Bose at cost so that was a no brainer.

My buddy has the Beats Studio and I couldn't stand them at all. Muddy, crowded sound with over bearing bass.
Keep the language clean please and as I said above stop trusting rtings. The only good thing about that site is the frequency graph measurements. Not the measurements you keep quoting.

I have over $4000 worth of headphones and headphone accessories ( amps and DACs ) sitting right here in front of me. Just a little bit I know what I'm talking about.

I linked some VERY good review sites above. Not rtings.
So i listen 24/96hz via tidal on desktop and 16/48 on iphone 7s on the go and gym, im listening right now this kind of music.

But also of course classical and piano, lot of piano im a metal head

Very little Tidal content is 24/96. Most of it is 16/44.1 FLAC. Only the masters ( they have an M by them ) are higher resolution. I've used Tidal for a couple of years. For MQA you need an MQA specific device.

So you need headphones and a DAC or you already have a DAC ( and amp? ) ?

Headphones worth considering:

Sennheiser HD600 - The HD 650s aren't great for metal so that rules out the Massdrop HD6XX. - Needs an amp.

Philips Fidelio X2 - No amp needed.

Sony MDR1A - No amp needed.

Meze 99 Classics - No amp needed.

AKG K712 Pro - Needs an amp.

Monoprice M1060 or better the M1060C - Needs a small amp.

You speak German? Damir Franc is one of the best youtube reviewers and he always does one in English and one in German. He's reviewed most of what I listed above.

I dont have a DAC i use the integrated CPU of my pc as you can see.

I speak Italian cuz i live in italian part of switzerland but i study in SanDiego so english is ok for me
Really apreciated man 😍

Man i think i finally got the proof that beats solo 2 are better than Bose QC35II

infact as you can see in this graph the bass in beats are better than in bose, bose overpass beats only in treble a little but i cannot hear the clean sound in bose so i suppose that at this point is better having little more deep bass like beats solo2 instead of less bass and more treble as in bose qc35II

Look at this man:


I may buy the solo3?


As you can see in this another image especially in 32k fraquency wich is the start to a good EQ for a crazy reason the beats solo 3 are better than the studio3 and bose QC35II :pt1cable: thats crazy

Graphs are meaningless except when you read enough of them you will be able to tell a general sound signature by looking at them. You seem really stuck on Bose and Beats. If you want to buy for a name or looks then by all means get what you're comfortable with. I wish you the best of luck.

Ill buy BEATS SOLO 3

Seems you are trying to convince yourself that what you want is the right thing, not really get other info on the topic. It's not that the Bose or Beats products are bad, but they are not what many people would chose if you take away the marketing.

Had no idea there was an Italian section in Switzerland though, very interesting. Is it as isolated for language and culture as Quebec is in Canada for French?

But just look at the graph i did man...
i just compared the truth, i cannot compare the headphone anort3 suggested me cuz i cannot find data of them
Yes the same as canada

You are still not understanding the replies, looking at graphs and specs will not tell you how they sound, or what you will like better. Can you tell how your dinner will taste like by comparing how much fat, sugar, what colors it has, how heavy it is? No, you need to actually taste it. Sure some things are pretty clear, if the steak is burned to a crisp it clearly won't taste good, or if your carrots are half black with rot, outside of that, no way to tell except to try it.

Sure you can read reviews and what the reviewer thought about it, but if you are looking for advice, don't argue with the advice, then it just sounds like all you want is someone to agree that what you want is the best to convince yourself that what you want to get is the right thing. That happens often on forums, instead of actually looking for opinions on different items, the person asking the question just wants someone to say "yes you are right get that". So get what you want, if you don't like it, try something else. Or better yet, find a store that sells headphones and has some on display to try out.

"Can you tell how your dinner will taste like by comparing how much fat, sugar, what colors it has, how heavy it is."
Actually yes man is called recipe!
I understand that is subjective but in my opinion graph are important to compare.
In case of a misscoparison and a choose according to personal tastes the quality may not persist so in my opinion first of all is very important to compare different kind of headphones.
Ill post now a comparison between the Beats Solo3 and the Sennheiser 820 the difference is marginal Sennheiser 2400$ headphone are worst in bass and better in treble but only like 20% more which is crazy
you certainly can say that is blasphemy but as you can see the difference is crazy marginal and isnt "a matter of tastes" cuz as i said recipe in a kitchen is more important than just the taste cuz the taste is subjective


I did with paint a black line which is meant to simulate a nice EQ and as you can see beats solo2 are more similar than sennheiser to this EQ (which is e classic/rock EQ so probably the more bilanced) look:


Actually with beats solo2 i can hear the difference between 128 and wav and in some songs little difference between 320 and wav especially in complex multi instruments song.
Well i cannot understand how can you say that beats are bad, once again the recipe is important as i said! isnt only a matter of taste!
isnt subjective math and calculation plays a important rule in audio the bass frequency the mid and high frequency are facts not subjective