Is this the best under $550?

Which games do you want to play ? Cause both the CPU and the GPU on this one are... pretty bad, but probably can't get much better for that price... won't be able to play games like BF3 and things like that though.
I don't even think that this laptop is going to be able to run it, actually. Would have a hard time, even on low settings, so not really playable. I don't know what else to recommend you, but for sure, I can tell you that you won't be able to run this game on this laptop.
okay. the only reason i was thinking about this specific one was because of APB reloaded. Since that won't work, i guess intel hd 3000 can run maple story (only 2 games i really play), correct? no use in getting this one.... you have any recommendations?
Intel HD 3000 will definitively run Maple Story, no doubt about that. I don't really have any recommendations on any laptops though. I might try to take a look at what I can find. So you want something under $550 right ? And I guess you're from USA ?
I love the price of that pc, but it doesn't have a DVD player. But my fault for not mentioning, I need the laptop for entertainment, as well as school and gaming. Someone from a different site just recommended this, what do you think?;pgid=c7twGfjc0ptSRpIq7ZUcoGXQ0000fb8mNv9y;sid=NID2W1inOb6JXwkRbh2qz4GoAJwzDmy78dUe8LW2AJwzDtPc7Kuhl6jI?HP-ENVY-15z-j000-Notebook-PC

its funny that the one i wanted is all of a sudden out of stock.
If it can't play ABP reloaded, then its not worth the price to me.