Hello guys. So I am literally undecided as to wheather to get the gtx 1080 or 1070. I was leaning towards 1070 as the price-to-performance ratio is better. However, I am noticing that many of the VR features(such as SMP, etc.) offered only seem to be for gtx 1080. This will enable the 1080 to be 2x faster than the titan, in respect to VR. However, some articles suggest it is a pascal feature, while most claim it's a 1080 exclusive. This makes it unclear if it's a 1080 exclusive or not. So,my question is, do all the VR features that enable 2x the speed of titan exclusively for 1080, or is it a Pascal feature altogether? If the 1070 does support these features, will it also be 2x the speed of titan in VR? Thanks in advance for the helpful information.