Is VRWorks supported for gtx 1070?


Jun 18, 2016
Hello guys. So I am literally undecided as to wheather to get the gtx 1080 or 1070. I was leaning towards 1070 as the price-to-performance ratio is better. However, I am noticing that many of the VR features(such as SMP, etc.) offered only seem to be for gtx 1080. This will enable the 1080 to be 2x faster than the titan, in respect to VR. However, some articles suggest it is a pascal feature, while most claim it's a 1080 exclusive. This makes it unclear if it's a 1080 exclusive or not. So,my question is, do all the VR features that enable 2x the speed of titan exclusively for 1080, or is it a Pascal feature altogether? If the 1070 does support these features, will it also be 2x the speed of titan in VR? Thanks in advance for the helpful information.
All those features are stem from teh Pascal architecture and will be available on all 1000 series cards. Nvidia want to sell cards for VR in all price segments so they would be shooting themselves in the foot if they restricted such features to the 1080.

Ok. Would you say that gddr5x as well as the increased memory bandwidth, will significantly give better vr performance? Or will it not make much of a difference? I am asking this since games outside of VR only have a 20-25% improvement over the 1070. To me, that isn't much for a 35-45% price increase. So can you tell me if the VR performance is drastic between the 1070 and 1080? Lastly, do you think the increased memory bandwidth of the 1080 is needed for vr and 1440p gaming, or can I still get optimal performance with slower memory? Thanks for the quick reply.


Whether VR or on a monitor, the performance delta between the 1070 and 1080 should be the same. VR does not have any special memory bandwith requirements. The 1070 is a safe bet.
Agreed. If performance delta is the same and bandwidth memory of the 1080 won't help much, then I see no reason to pay more. 1070 has better bang for buck, so 1070 it is. Thanks again for the help as I couldn't find this information online.