Question Issue with Sub and Receiver

Feb 22, 2019
I am having an issue with my jl subwoofer. As I’m typing I’m realizing it maybe more of an issue with my receiver. I’m a bit of a novice so I apologize in advance for my description below.

When I have the sub plugged into receiver, there is no response. However, if I touch the outside portion of the subwoofer jack on the receiver I definitely get a response from the sub.

It doesn’t seem like it is an issue with the sub but I’m it sure what it could be - perhaps an issue with the connector itself?

Sonic Illusions

Feb 16, 2019
Well, the sub amp works, that's good. So we obviously need to get signal to the sub. To rule out the connector, you can plug any anaolog source into the sub to test, such as your phone with a 3.5mm to stereo adapter cable. Just be sure the source's volume is up. Is your receiver in surround mode? Try the surround mode, if you haven't already. Depending on your rig, the audio portion of the receiver's setup menu may have a sub-woofer out setting. Be sure it's set to "ON" on and the volume level is up. If available, enable the sub output in all modes (2CH and SURR). Select "large" main speakers, if available, to ensure no bass is filtered from your mains. You have a sub for a reason, so you want to use the sub's crossover to tune the system to blend with your main and center speakers. Center is important too, because that's where most of the action is. Just remember to power down when making connections.
Feb 22, 2019
Thank you so much for the fast reply. I tried the 3.5mm to sub and it worked. My receiver does have an auto speaker calibration so I did run that. When that finished (during which I did hear sound from the sub), it gave the results below:
Front - yes
Center - yes
Surr - no
Sub - yes

Within those settings, it shows:

Front - large
Center - large
Surr - No
Sub - yes

When I had the cable plugged into the sub, I do get a response from the sub by just touching the tip of the other side of the cable.

I did also cycle through my speaker options (surround, etc.) and nothing made the sub produce any sound.
Feb 22, 2019
It is an Onkyo TX-SR353. Feeling like it has to be something with the receiver because I did bring it to local audio store where I purchased it and they found no issues. Plus, I’m getting a response from the sub when I run the receiver’s speaker test/adjustment. Aside from some kind of issue with the receiver, the only other variable I haven’t mentioned is the audio that is coming out of the speakers and from the sub (when the sub did produce sound) through my Apple TV. So I have the Apple TV 4 running HDMI to the receiver.