Question Issue with trying to run a car amp off a server power supply

Mar 5, 2025
I'm using an HSTNS-PL30 server power supply to power a jbl bp1200.1 subwoofer amp at home.

I've attached 4 gauge wires to the power supply and connected them to the amp; when the wires aren't connected to the amp, the power supply powers on just fine, the light turns on (green), and it outputs 12v dc.

as soon as I connect them to the amp, the fan spins on but the power supply light doesn't, and the rest of the system is powerless. as soon as I disconnect the wires and turn the psu on again, it works. any thoughts on what could be happening?

i tried with the remote wire both connected to the + terminal and fully disconnected but it yielded the same result.

only thing i can think of is that the power supply is rated for a max current output of 100 amps, while the amp has a max current draw of 114.
What you describe is exactly what will happen when the load is greater then the power supply's ability to supply power A PC power supply is woefully inadequate to be powering a high power audio amp. Especially one with a rating in excess of the supply being used. This is where due diligence comes in. Always check the load requirements BEFORE connecting power.