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Chris Lemon wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > This is also worth a look:
> >
> >
> And herein lies yet another problem.
> I have a SA Series 2. There is stuff out there for the DirectTivos.
There is
> TONS out there for the (eminently more hackable) Series 1's.
> So I ask "does this apply to an SA Series 2 as well", and the answer
> "well, yes, kinda, mostly." Which does me NO good.
> The above poster, who "just Wikied it"? The article on "Tivo hacking"
> Wikipedia has ZIPPO on the Series 2 SA.
> It's interesting reading, and I appreciate the link, but I'm really
> closer to knowing what I need to do than I was a month ago.

I see. You didn't say what model you had in the original post. The
procedure is pretty much the same, from what I understand, but requires
fewer steps (assuming yours is a non-RID box.)

I guess I assumed you had a Dtivo because the .ty files you pull from
it are actually good quality and worth archiving (they are exactly the
same as live TV) whereas SA tivos, even at best quality, look very
mpeggy. But I assumed when I shouldn't have.

I just did a search on DDB and, as it turns out, my post here (linked
earlier) and the one I just posted will both work for you. Ignore the
stuff about RID unless yours is a RID box. Conversely, make sure you
follow the RID stuff if you have a RID box (look for a sticker on the
back with a RID number. If it's not there, it isn't.)

Assuming it's non-RID my post to this group (all of it - I added some
stuff later on) will hack your box and should take a couple of hours
Archived from groups: (More info?)

> And herein lies yet another problem.
> I have a SA Series 2. There is stuff out there for the DirectTivos. There is
> TONS out there for the (eminently more hackable) Series 1's.
> So I ask "does this apply to an SA Series 2 as well", and the answer is
> "well, yes, kinda, mostly." Which does me NO good.
> The above poster, who "just Wikied it"? The article on "Tivo hacking" in
> Wikipedia has ZIPPO on the Series 2 SA.
> It's interesting reading, and I appreciate the link, but I'm really no
> closer to knowing what I need to do than I was a month ago.

And herein lies another difficulty, it would be really hard to write a
manual that would cover all circumstances. Think of all the possible
permutations of the end-users PC, DVR model, modded configuration,
software version, desired hacks, etc. If you understand the mechanics
of the modifications this becomes less important, but of course it takes
much more work on the end user.

Randy S.
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> Your original post wasn't clear about which model Tivo you have. Try here:
> This is a great website for hacking all Tivos, and its contributors include
> the people who actually write the hacks. I'd recommend using the website
> search function first, but if you ask concise questions, you should be able
> to get clear answers.

And now we come full circle! ;-).

Randy S.
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<> wrote in message
> I see. You didn't say what model you had in the original post. The
> procedure is pretty much the same, from what I understand, but requires
> fewer steps (assuming yours is a non-RID box.)

The unit is a Model TCD240080, or so says the sticker on the side of the box
it came in. Would you be able to determine if that's RID or not without me
having to pull my Tivo box out of the stack?

And how about the instructions contained here:

Are those useful to me? That's about as concise and laid-out as I have seen
it so far.

Thank you for being helpful.
Chris Lemon
EFNet: FredSmyth

> Chris Lemon wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>> > This is also worth a look:
>> >
>> >
>> And herein lies yet another problem.
>> I have a SA Series 2. There is stuff out there for the DirectTivos.
> There is
>> TONS out there for the (eminently more hackable) Series 1's.
>> So I ask "does this apply to an SA Series 2 as well", and the answer
> is
>> "well, yes, kinda, mostly." Which does me NO good.
>> The above poster, who "just Wikied it"? The article on "Tivo hacking"
> in
>> Wikipedia has ZIPPO on the Series 2 SA.
>> It's interesting reading, and I appreciate the link, but I'm really
> no
>> closer to knowing what I need to do than I was a month ago.

> I guess I assumed you had a Dtivo because the .ty files you pull from
> it are actually good quality and worth archiving (they are exactly the
> same as live TV) whereas SA tivos, even at best quality, look very
> mpeggy. But I assumed when I shouldn't have.
> I just did a search on DDB and, as it turns out, my post here (linked
> earlier) and the one I just posted will both work for you. Ignore the
> stuff about RID unless yours is a RID box. Conversely, make sure you
> follow the RID stuff if you have a RID box (look for a sticker on the
> back with a RID number. If it's not there, it isn't.)
> Assuming it's non-RID my post to this group (all of it - I added some
> stuff later on) will hack your box and should take a couple of hours
> max.
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"Randy S." <> wrote in message
>> Your original post wasn't clear about which model Tivo you have. Try
>> here:
>> This is a great website for hacking all Tivos, and its contributors
>> include
>> the people who actually write the hacks. I'd recommend using the website
>> search function first, but if you ask concise questions, you should be
>> able
>> to get clear answers.
> And now we come full circle! ;-).

Well, I don't know what else to tell you. Hacking a Tivo isn't that hard,
the information is there, as well as people willing to explain it (I had a
number of questions answered). You're just going to have to invest a little

> Randy S.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

> Well, I don't know what else to tell you. Hacking a Tivo isn't that hard,
> the information is there, as well as people willing to explain it (I had a
> number of questions answered). You're just going to have to invest a little
> effort.

I didn't say it was or wasn't. But if you look at the entire thread,
this is where this discussion basically started. The OP knows about DDB.

Randy S.
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Chris Lemon wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > I see. You didn't say what model you had in the original post.
> > procedure is pretty much the same, from what I understand, but
> > fewer steps (assuming yours is a non-RID box.)
> The unit is a Model TCD240080, or so says the sticker on the side of
the box
> it came in. Would you be able to determine if that's RID or not
without me
> having to pull my Tivo box out of the stack?
> And how about the instructions contained here:
> Are those useful to me? That's about as concise and laid-out as I
have seen
> it so far.
> Thank you for being helpful.
> --
> Chris Lemon
> EFNet: FredSmyth

That guide looks excellent. I tried a search to see if you had a RID
unit, but came up with nothing. It's old enough that I doubt you do,
though. This guide is good in that it puts all the RID-only stuff in
red. If you decide to do the upgrade you can pull the box, see if you
have a RID sticker on the back, and go from there. From what I recall
the only RID issue is the dssapp stuff - you can skip it if your box is

Either way you've got to pull the box, right?

Good luck.
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Chris Lemon ( wrote in
> The unit is a Model TCD240080, or so says the sticker on the side of the box
> it came in. Would you be able to determine if that's RID or not without me
> having to pull my Tivo box out of the stack?

Sure, just go to the "System Information" screen and if there are *three*
lines of serial numbers (one labeled "Receiver ID"), you have an RID
receiver. The other two lines are always the access card number and the
TiVo service number.

Jeff Rife |
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"Jeff Rife" <> wrote in message
> Sure, just go to the "System Information" screen and if there are *three*
> lines of serial numbers (one labeled "Receiver ID"), you have an RID
> receiver. The other two lines are always the access card number and the
> TiVo service number.

All I show is the service number. But Relaxification makes a fine point - if
I'm gonna try it, I have to pull the box out of the stack and I can
double-confirm the lack of a RID sticker then.

Thanks, folks. For once I feel like I got some genuinely useful information
out of this.
Chris Lemon
EFNet: FredSmyth