Review Kindle Scribe (2024) hands-on: AI and a new pen make this tablet much more remarkable

The 2024 scribe is awesome! It’s everything I wanted. The screen is brighter which makes it easier on my eyes. The pen is more tactile and when you erase, I declare it feels like a traditional eraser on paper. This device is awesome. I had the remarkable pro and turned it back in because the backlight was a joke. This is far better than anything else in the market.
Unfortunately, the exciting AI features -- Handwriting Refining and Summarization -- are as of today (Dec 22nd, 2024) not available outside the USA. As a Canadian who has been loyal to amazon for decades, purchasing both physical and digital books ad infinitum, I find this disappointing -- and also inconsiderate -- and also shortsighted -- to a high degree. I wouldn't recommend this tablet to anyone outside the U.S. for this reason. As of today I haven't seen any announcements for this situation to be rectified.