Solved! Laptop Can't Connect to Network but Other Device Can

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Aug 15, 2021
Hi everyone,

I have 2 laptop, 1 pc and 2 mobile phone. All connected to the same network. Laptop and PC connected using wired and phone using wireless.

1 of my laptop suddenly can't access internet through the network, it just happen like that.
I have try connect with cable and wireless but still can't connect to the internet, can't even access google.

I ping default gateaway and get response, but I can't ping to google or any other website.

What I've done so far.
  • Test connection with cable and wireless
  • Use default dns, google dns, cloudflare dns
  • ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew
  • ipconfig /flushdns
  • Turn off firewall
  • Scan for virus
  • Disable and enable driver adapter for ethernet and wireless
  • Update driver

I can access to my default gateaway router and I can reset router through that web.


I try to create a hotspot from my mobile phone with mobile data connection and the laptop can access the internet normally. When I use my router connection again, I can't access internet again.

I have restart my laptop a few times. Plug and unplug internet cable. Reset router a few times but still no luck.

Anyone have an idea about what happen to my laptop?

Sorry for my bad English, I'm not familiar with grammar. Thanks
  1. right click on Windows logo in bottom right corner of screen
  2. Click on "Windows Powershell (Admin)"
  3. Clickon "yes" from security prompt window to run powershell as admin
  4. Type this command into the Powershell "netsh int ip reset" without the quote marks
  5. Now type this command without the quote marks "netsh winsock reset"
  6. restart your computer
The above commands resets your whole network stack to Windows defaults without losing user settings such as remembered wifi passwords etc.

If the above commands fix your problem after restarting windows 10 then your virus check was not thorough enough.

If you restart a second time and wifi no longer works then there is a virus reinfecting your computer and wrecking your network/internet settings again.

If this is the case then report back to the forum for further advice.

Still no luck, let me provide you with some screenshot.




If it is virus, I wonder how this laptop get infected because I never download anything on that laptop. This laptop only for work.

Edit: If it is virus, why I can access internet with mobile tethering form another network?

Is there any other idea I can try?
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Update today

Laptop back to normal again. I've done a lot of thing and I think one of my VPN have a bug.
I've need to enable the VPN and disable it again to make the internet back to work.

Thanks all for the help, now I need help to close this thread.

Thank you
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