Laptop charge going in and out


Nov 20, 2013
When I have the charger plugged into my Toshiba Satellite S55-A5275 theres a few things that happen.

1) The "battery charging" light and symbol go in and out, without even touching the computer or charger

2) The portion that plugs into the computer gets really hot. Hot enough to melt the plastic on the case.

3) Sometimes I can hear all kinds of crazy noises coming out of it, snaps, whines, cracks, all kinds of things.

If I get the port angled juuuuust right I can get it to charge and stay charging. But that's only sometimes.

I've seen issues where it could be the charger, and could be the laptop. I've gotten a replacement charger seen here:

and it didn't help at all. Help? Thank you
If you have tried two chargers already then it sounds like there's an issue with the laptop's charging port. I have seen where the charging port starts to fall into the laptop as it gets older. Maybe the loose connection is causing poor connectivity, which causes a short, which causes the sound and heat generated.


Mar 24, 2016
If you have tried two chargers already then it sounds like there's an issue with the laptop's charging port. I have seen where the charging port starts to fall into the laptop as it gets older. Maybe the loose connection is causing poor connectivity, which causes a short, which causes the sound and heat generated.