Laptop help

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AI Pod

Dec 17, 2011
Hello all,
I'm currently looking for a laptop that is cheap and also SC2 capable, and by cheap I mean about a 300-400 dollar budget (Very low for what I'm asking, I know). So my question is this:
Looking around, I've come across this laptop at Best Buy

Would this be SC2 capable and if so, how well would it handle it ? I'm not looking for over-the-top performance, running the game on Low-Medium or somewhere in between would be more than fine. As a secondary question, if it were capable, how well would it hold up in 2v2s or 3v3s ?

Thanks in advance !

EDIT: Upon looking and within the same price range I've come across a better option, here:

It's clearly a better alternative, but would it be able to run SC2 well ?

AI Pod

Dec 17, 2011
Sorry for such a late reply, and thank you for your input.
I've looked around as much as I'm aware I can at the moment, and sadly, I don't believe a laptop within that budget will be able to play SC2. Being close to Christmas/Boxing day, I'd have thought that something within the budget would turn up somewhere in some sale, but sadly, I've found only misleading information or refurbished products.
As much as I'd prefer the mobility, I think I'll have to settle on a desktop, I know TigerDirect has a few barebones models that far exceed the minimum requirements for StarCraft 2, minus the graphics card which I could pick up separately.

Thanks again though !
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