Hello ppl please help me choose a laptop for engineering programming(i require a powerful setup) as well as high end gaming!!! Budget $1000 to $1500 help please
Umm a bit expensive as well da M15x wouldnt an M11x b ok ??? it fits my budget well and da battery is cool but i was worried about the processing power?? What do you say???
If you are OK with a 11" laptop,then M11x would be good,its not as powerful as a M15x but it can handle games fine on medium settings,here is a review of it http/www.anandtech.com/show/3808/alienware-m11x-r2
Hey thanks ill be considering this!!! but Alas i got another problem the Alienware which is worth $1200 in the US is equal to about $2100 when i purchase it in India so no worth for my money!!!!!! So you gotta help me with sumthng frm HP or any other Dell laptop the indian sites for both of these are
HP -http/welcome.hp.com/country/in/en/cs/home.html
Dell - www.dell.co.in