Laptop is better than Desktop
Laptop is better than desktop. The reasons why I think Laptop is better than Desktop are firstly Laptop is portable and convenient. We can carry it to everywhere we want. Moreover, we can use Laptop indoor or outdoor while Desktop can’t do like this because desktop is much more heavy. This is the advantage for Me when I go outside and want to do homework, laptop can support my needs because it is convenient for me to use it to do my homework or to do my project. Secondly, laptop has battery so when electricity has problem, we can continue doing our work and save the file. While desktop, if we don’t have uninterrupted power supply (UPS) and electricity has problem, we may lose our work (I used to have this experience with desktop before. In the past because the price of UPS is so high that I can’t afford and unfortunately the electricity has problem, while I concentrated with my work and did not save the file. So I have to start my homework all over again. That’s why I appreciate Laptop because it has reserved battery and I do not have to start doing my work again. Thirdly, laptop has good design and looks modern, while desktop is conventional and looks old fashioned for example Desktop has large dimensions and requires large area for operation. I live in a modern home which has limited area, so I can use laptop at the Sofa or on my bed which PC can’t. Fourthly, laptop is cheaper in electricity charge because laptop uses only 65-100 watts while Desktop uses more than 350 watts, we pay less when use laptop than desktop. During the economic downturn period, energy saving appliance is very suitable because it can help you save money in your pocket.
For the above mentioned reasons, I think laptop is better than desktop. Therefore, I suggest everybody to buy laptop.
Please show me your idea, agree or disagree on this topic
Laptop is better than desktop. The reasons why I think Laptop is better than Desktop are firstly Laptop is portable and convenient. We can carry it to everywhere we want. Moreover, we can use Laptop indoor or outdoor while Desktop can’t do like this because desktop is much more heavy. This is the advantage for Me when I go outside and want to do homework, laptop can support my needs because it is convenient for me to use it to do my homework or to do my project. Secondly, laptop has battery so when electricity has problem, we can continue doing our work and save the file. While desktop, if we don’t have uninterrupted power supply (UPS) and electricity has problem, we may lose our work (I used to have this experience with desktop before. In the past because the price of UPS is so high that I can’t afford and unfortunately the electricity has problem, while I concentrated with my work and did not save the file. So I have to start my homework all over again. That’s why I appreciate Laptop because it has reserved battery and I do not have to start doing my work again. Thirdly, laptop has good design and looks modern, while desktop is conventional and looks old fashioned for example Desktop has large dimensions and requires large area for operation. I live in a modern home which has limited area, so I can use laptop at the Sofa or on my bed which PC can’t. Fourthly, laptop is cheaper in electricity charge because laptop uses only 65-100 watts while Desktop uses more than 350 watts, we pay less when use laptop than desktop. During the economic downturn period, energy saving appliance is very suitable because it can help you save money in your pocket.
For the above mentioned reasons, I think laptop is better than desktop. Therefore, I suggest everybody to buy laptop.
Please show me your idea, agree or disagree on this topic