Laptop is better than Pc ?


Nov 7, 2008
Laptop is better than PC

As a stdent who has to prevent my works to teacher,

I find Laptop is better than Pc.

To support my opinion, I have 4 reasons as follows:

1. Laptop is mobilable. We can carry it to everywhere we want.

We can use Laptop indoor or outdoor while Pc can't do like this,

because Pc is much more heavy.

2. Laptop has battery so when electricity has problem,

we can continue doing our work and save the file.

While Pc, if we don't have uninterrupted power supply (UPS) and

electicity has problem, we may lose our work.

( I used to have this experience with Pc before.)

3. Laptop has good design and looks modern, while Pc is conventional

and looks old fashioned.

4. Laptop is cheaper in electricity charge, we pay less when

use Laptop than Pc.

For the above mentioned reasons, I think Laptop is better

than Pc therefore I suggest everybody to buy Laptop.

Plz give comment in your opinion for this topic
I agree with support reason.
laptop is portable and often used by presentation work,
but the disadvantage of laptop is expensive and not powerful like desktop.
someone say laptop is hard to fix the hardware problem.
First of all, "laptop" and "PC" are not different types of computers - A laptop is a PC. You mean laptop vs desktop computing.

Secondly, I disagree. There is no final "one is better than the other". They both have their uses, and one will trump the other in different situations with different people, and different uses.

Laptops are obviously mobile and thus have that advantage over desktop PCs.

Many software applications are automatically saving "draft" copies as you do work, and thus you are able to recover your work even if the power is lost. Honestly, though, I think the power has gone out once in the last 2 years.

Laptops can be just as dreary looking as desktops, and desktops can be built with cases that look incredible. I've seen desktops a part of desks, drums, statues of the devil, transformers, as well as more simple (but still unconventional) my case, an Aspire X-Dreamer II. I wouldn't say it looks old fashioned at all.

Laptops are cheaper in electricity than desktops...but if that's really a factor in whether or not you should buy a notebook or a desktop, you shouldn't be buying one.

You missed several of the desktop computer's major pros, like the fact that it is much cheaper and more powerful than laptops of the same price. Also, desktops can be overclocked by much, much larger margins when they get too old to run things well. Also, desktops are more standard - their parts are far easier to find, and are much cheaper, as well as being easier to repair and upgrade. Therefore, you can keep a desktop PC for a longer time while still staying under the price range for a laptop (if you would have bought it at the same time as your desktop). Desktops also have much, much higher processing power limits - in terms of raw computing power, the desktop will always win.

For example, I have a friend I'll soon be building an audio editing PC for. The machine will be quad core and have 8GB of ram, with a TB of hard disk space. To get that on a laptop, he would have to more than quadrupole his current budget, and the machine he would get still wouldn't be as fast as the desktop, because of the laptop's natural power/TDP limits.

So, in short, notebooks have their place, and desktops have their place, and I suggest anyone looking for a PC first ask themselves "What am I going to use this for?"
that it 's may be .It depend on case.For example,if you want to use at home only ,you will bought laptop.And at the similar spec , pc is cheaper than lattop or at the similar prices ,spec of pc is better than laptop.
I agree with support reason.
laptop is portable and often used by presentation work,
but the disadvantage of laptop is expensive and not powerful like desktop.
someone say laptop is hard to fix the hardware problem.

Thank you for your comment we have the same opinion.

yes , I agree with you , everything has its own advantage.Notebook is portable & mobilible.

While desktop can upgrade and has more performance than laptop.

It depend on situation that we want to use.

If you have more reason you want to chose laptop or desktop plz give you comment

thank U every comment
that it 's may be .It depend on case.For example,if you want to use at home only ,you will bought laptop.And at the similar spec , pc is cheaper than lattop or at the similar prices ,spec of pc is better than laptop.

I agree with you, it depend on situation but I prefer Laptop