Large Hadron Collider On; Earth Still Exists

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This number "$10,000,000,000 bill." is a little wrong. This means $10,000,000,000,000,000,000 or something like that. That is more than the whole money circulating in the Earth:).
[citation][nom]Nikohard[/nom]This number "$10,000,000,000 bill." is a little wrong. This means $10,000,000,000,000,000,000 or something like that. That is more than the whole money circulating in the Earth.[/citation]
I believe the author meant "bill" as in the letters you get in the mail that you want to tear up when you read them.
Eh, in fact, the aim of this experiment is creating a micro black hole and watch it disintegrate and try to catch the Higgs Bosone due process. 😉 Every black hole disintegrates in time. They crunch matter into gamma rays and radiate at their event-horizon. (The distance from the center of the black hole where escape velocity is equal to the speed of light. Before that distance, escape velocity is higher than speed of light and beyond that distance lower. At exactly this distance, you can observe a pretty beautiful Cherenkov radiation. 😉
The way it is achieved is: accelerate the particle to 99.999% of speed of light. According to the m1= m0/(SQRT(1-(c-v)^2)) particle's mass increases significantly, as long as it's running fast. But at the very second that it collides, it's mass will drop back to m0 and the micro black hole will be available for the time frame where the m1 > critical mass. - Pretty short time.
As soon as it drops below that threshold, well, fireworks will be everywhere and the detectors will be working to detect the Higgs Bosons from the leftovers.
That's what I understood of this experiment. 😛
This project is waste of money, cause it's based on Western Philosophy that Human Kind can seek and know the absolute truth of life and Universum without God. Beep, wrong and it will just bite us back sooner or later...
OK article. I enjoy reading the latest scientific news from Tom's. However, I wish they spent less time discussing the scare mongering and talked about the actual benefits of the new atom smasher. Just to clarify some things, high energy collisions such as those from the LHC have been occurring in nature since the Earth came into existence (cosmic rays hitting the Earth's atmosphere), with resulting creation of a black hole to day. Furthermore, even if a micro black hole was produced, it would quickly decay by Hawking radiation (thermal radiation that would allow the black hole to lose mass).
Then there are strangelets, which are said by the doom's day advocates that they will be produced by the LHC and create a run away fusion process. Strangelets only exist at low energies (1-10 MeV). The LHC is expected to release energy in the range of 14 TeV (14,000,000 MeV). Creating a strangelet would be like trying to form an ice cube in boiling water.

Hope this clarifies a few things. I personally am excited to see what new technologies and discoveries will be made with the LHC . Consider yourself lucky that you are living during this time.
Nikohard: This number "$10,000,000,000 bill." is a little wrong. This means $10,000,000,000,000,000,000 or something like that. That is more than the whole money circulating in the Earth.

How does $10,000,000,000 = $10,000,000,000,000,000,000? You think 0's do matter? I don't see how $10,000,000,000 equals anything except $10,000,000,000.
Here's a new way to look at things. Let's say that there are aliens on earth, or orbiting our planet and performing abductions like so many claim. Don't you think that they would have stepped up and tried to stop us if there was anything to fear? I mean, let's think about it for a minute. If there are aliens on our planet, then they should be pretty darn advanced and know a thing or two of what we are trying to do. If it was a problem, don't you think they would stop us?

On the other hand, perhaps it's the aliens themselves plotting this diabolical scheme. They masquerade as scientists and convince us to build this contraption. Once activated, our planet and everyone on it is sucked into a black hole. Then the aliens trap this black hole with some high tech device, and transport it back to their own galaxy. There they use another high tech device to reverse the black hole, releasing the planet and everyone on it like it never happened. Moments later, the billions of people on our planet are turned into slave labourers, and we are all forced to mine Earth of every ounce of it's resources. Then... oh wait... we're already doing that now. Never mind. 😛
All i have to say is that black holes don't suck.... and black holes don't grow. so even if one was created and lasted for a long time on earth it would still only consume those particles entering the event horizon.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition by mediocre minds.

I think I quoted it correctly. I have always liked this statement that is on a poster of Einstein. Too many people already have black holes in their brains. Thankfully, science continues in spite of them.
Luka, you are apperantly in the 97% of the human population that believes in god, which pretty much takes you out of the 3% of human kind that's actually intelligent, keep your religious babble to yourself.

Mankind can find whatever it sets it's mind to. There is no god that limits us, only our own minds; your's more so than others.
By my calculations the probability that any of the calculations made by posters in this thread are reliable, is 0.0000% (rounded)

How can anyone here claim to actually know what's going to happen and probabilities of something happening? The whole point of the experiment afaik is to find out what happens.

Making up probabilities to support the notion that nothing bad will happen simply undermines your own position and credibility. If you must use probability there are plenty of calculations out there based on scientific models to support that there isn't anything to worry about...
But then you might have to use some critical reasoning and also consider there are other scientific models that suggest there is actually something to worry about.

P.S. I'm not a doom-sayer, I side on the notion that there's not actually going to be anything to worry about come out of the LHC, but this is only a gut feeling since I myself am not smart enough to come up with sound theories surrounding particle physics.
Nor do I truly understand even widely accepted notions about not being able to move faster than the speed of light and why things increase in mass as they approach this speed, or why time dilation effects happen depending on what point you are observing. I just accept this on faith from the scientists who do seem to understand it. Just like humans accepted electrons flow from the positive terminal to the negative...
But boy oh boy wouldnt it be awesome to not See a Black Hole.
I mean you know to see things dissapear because you physically
wont be able to see the void.

Lol I can just imagine someone walking and then gone, and people
not knowing whats going on because for most seeing is believing
and this wont be visible to the neked eye.
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