Lenovo Ideapad Y700 Super Slow


Aug 11, 2016
Ok so I bought this laptop 3 days ago, and since day one, I don't wanna say I regret my decision but I'm not so happy because I expected a bit more.
I mainly bought it to for programming and work but it seems that sometimes it becomes unresponsive and laggy, I have to restart it and it goes back to normal after that, what I'm talking about is from the second I got it started happening, I hadn't downloaded or installed anything and I'm sure it had no viruses and wasn't used.
Note : I don't play a lot of games and when playing I only playing lowest settings / resolution because I don't really care about graphics I only want the FPS for lower input lag but seems pointless.
Laptop configs: IdeaPad Y700-15
CPU : i5-6300hq - 4 cores / 4 threads - 2.3ghz
GPU : NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 960M 4GB
HDD : 1TB 5400RPM
OS : Windows 10
Screen : "15.6 1920x1080 LED IPS
On Overwatch lowest resolution (1280x720) and lowest settings with 100% render scale I have 120 FPS
On CS:GO lowest res/settings same as above I have 80-100 FPS.
No other programs running in the background, any ideas?

Side question : Is it possible to add another SSD with the HDD? If not should I replaced the HDD with a 500 GB SSD? Also should I add in 8GB RAM? And does any SSD work (not laptop specific)?
I have the same laptop.
If you are using it plugged in, you should be operating at full performance.
On battery, it will be considerably slower to conserve battery.
Check your power options.
If it is set to balanced, speed will be determined by plugged in or not.
For fast graphics, you want to select the 960M when you are plugged in.

Then, a big reason for generally sluggish response is your 5400rpm hard drive.
A ssd will be magical.
You can buy a Samsung evo ssd of 240gb or more and move your c drive there.
Samsung has a free ssd migration utility to copy the os from your hard drive to the ssd.
The Y700 laptop has provision for two devices. one normal sata, and one in the m.2 format.
I presume the 1tb hard drive is in the sata port...
I have the same laptop.
If you are using it plugged in, you should be operating at full performance.
On battery, it will be considerably slower to conserve battery.
Check your power options.
If it is set to balanced, speed will be determined by plugged in or not.
For fast graphics, you want to select the 960M when you are plugged in.

Then, a big reason for generally sluggish response is your 5400rpm hard drive.
A ssd will be magical.
You can buy a Samsung evo ssd of 240gb or more and move your c drive there.
Samsung has a free ssd migration utility to copy the os from your hard drive to the ssd.
The Y700 laptop has provision for two devices. one normal sata, and one in the m.2 format.
I presume the 1tb hard drive is in the sata port so you would need a m.2 ssd if you wanted to retain the hard drive for bulk storage.
Google will find you youtube desccriptions on how to do this.

Intel 540s Series M.2 SSDSCKKW240H6X1 240GB SSD
Transcend MTS800 TS256GMTS800 256GB SSD M.2 2280 SATA III
Transcend MTS600 TS256GMTS600 256GB SSD M.2 2260 SATA III
Kingston SSDNow G2 SM2280S3G2/240G 240GB SSD M.2
I have these 4 options all of them are the same price but are you sure if I buy this I can set it up and keep my HDD and use it for OS and a few other stuff?
Also should I get an extra 8GB RAM or would it be useless? (I open a lot of stuff I'm a heavy multi-tasker)

I'm sorry I don't get this but I understood its kinda like over/normal clocking but if it could damage my laptop I don't wanna risk warranty, I used all of my money to buy this laptop and plan on keeping it for a long time.
BUMP and also hoping to get driver links for Lenovo Nerve System/Center I found one but it says I have a desktop when its actually an ideapad/laptop and I can't use the cooling feature for some reason??
OK... not sure what you actually want to do... However, IF you are talking to Lenovo Support, ask for a set of System Restore Disks or USB... If you still want to do an SSD, those disks are the best way to load it cleanly.

As far as the type of SSD, IF you do not have an M2 now, why are you looking at them? Are they even a real option for that model? If the M2 is a real option, again start with the Restore Disks. Remove the HDD, place in the M2 and load the OS onto the SSD. Once that is done, you can put the HD back, copy over your user data and then reformat the drive to save/load non critical data/files/programs onto.

I'm trying to figure out why and fix the problem with this freakin laptop, it is super laggy and not snappy like it should be, on games it performs really bad, lowest settings and resolution on Overwatch / CS:GO and it only gets about 90-100 fps, nothing open in background and in charging and maximum performance plan, I tried to re-install Windows but didn't seem to help in any way, I just asked for "Lenovo Nerve" link because it controls the fans inside the computer which seems there's no other way to control them without the program, I was also wondering if I should get a M.2 SSD because I was told above it will improve performance, and if I should also add in another 8 GB RAM, thanks for your help and time reading this.
OK... 90-100 fps. what are you complaining about, on a laptop no less... I cap my games @ 60 FPS to ensure smooth play at the highest settings...

If you have an HDD, not an SSD, yes there is lag, the HDD is SLOW

Laptops are not gaming master devices. They are convenient compromises, at best.

I understand what you mean but 1280x720 res with 75% render scale and lowest settings with no programs in the background and only drivers installed on Windows and only achieving 90-100 FPS that's really bad, and if you cap your FPS at 60 that's also bad, for a person who has passion for gaming, low fps = high input lag which can be really bad in games like Overwatch and CS:GO considering it will set you back, I got the i5-6300hq with GTX 960M 4GB because I was hoping at least stable 120FPS+ but it seems that its only getting 90-100 FPS with the settings mentioned above and also sometimes freezing, I just mean I am a person in the top 2% pro players in Overwatch and bought this laptop because I have a lot of travelling and thought I could also take it to friends house to play :/ Anyway thank you for the quick response and for the help, I'll just consider buying the SSD and RAM and see what happens afterwards, if you have any ideas before I step forward with this decision please tell me, and I'm not angry at you or anything its just that I paid 1050$ I expect at least 120 FPS if you understand what I mean, if I would've built a computer I could've built a better one for about 500$...

Well kinda rip money I guess, still good for portability, I guess I'll just upgrade to an SSD and some RAM for usage and hope for the best, also thank you very much for replying so much and quickly and for other people!!!

I have had success using the Samsung free ssd migration tool to move a windows C drive to a Samsung ssd.
For that, you would need to use a Samsung ssd.
The evo, is one of the more reliable and better performing ssd devices, and I would recommend that.


The only options are :
Intel 540s Series M.2 SSDSCKKW240H6X1 240GB SSD
Transcend MTS800 TS256GMTS800 256GB SSD M.2 2280 SATA III
Transcend MTS600 TS256GMTS600 256GB SSD M.2 2260 SATA III
Kingston SSDNow G2 SM2280S3G2/240G 240GB SSD M.2
I'm really low on budget and just looking to get an SSD quickly so I can over with this, it gets really annoying when Windows sometimes takes 3-5 minutes to load (on the computer I had it literally took 3 seconds that's why I'm complaining lolol) I'm not really used to it being slow I like things snappy, don't get me wrong and thank you.

Honestly this thread has a lot of useful information for someone who doesn't know much about computers. I have had the problem since I got this thing and I don't even play games on it. In face the only thing I do is basic editing and transfering of videos while downloading or uploading them on occasion. So I know it's not me doing anything. I don't know why they would sell a lap top this way and I understand your pain. I will be looking into this as well. Thanks for the tips.


I found out what's wrong, I'm not sure how no experts were able to realize but, my GPU & CPU load in games are between 20-60% and that is the main reason I have low FPS, the reason for not reaching 70-100% is because I'm not cooling my laptop good enough, it's reaching 70°C and throttling by the laptop itself so it doesn't go higher and get damaged, I lost my Nerve System Application that had control of the fans and now I need to reset my laptop so I can get it back, that is the main reason I realized, all you mainly need to do is set the power plan to maximum performance, plug it in, download an app called "Timer Resolution" run it as administrator and set it to performance option, also make sure to download CCleaner and use it occasionally.