Lenovo y510p for gaming?


Aug 12, 2013
Hi I was originally looking into the msi ge60 2oe but when I went to tigerdirect.com (the store haha) the salesman highly recommended the Lenovo y510p because of the nvidia 750m sli. He said because of the dual graphics card it could play games such as battlefield 4 when I comes out on ultra graphics with high frames per second. The y510p is $1300 and has 16gb of ram, 1 tb hard drive, 24 gb ssd, 1080p and is 15.6 inch screen and is less than 7 lbs so it meets all of what I wanted. If anyone has this laptop I would appreciate you replying with what you think of it. Also is anyone knows more about the sli graphics than I do it would be great if you could say what you know.

Oh here is the link http://m.tigerdirect.com/products/8176862
I have shopped around and this is the best deal I can find.
Thanks again.


I don't have it but the laptop would perform amazing for you. It will play lots of games. The only thing I really advise about it though is not to buy on tigerdirect. Its $300 cheaper on Amazon

Or this one is a fair amount less with the graphics but still pretty amazing, and probably has better battery life.


Aug 12, 2013

Thanks for the reply. One thing that I noticed is that there are different models of the y510p the one on tigerdirect has 16gb of ram and a 24gb ssd while the cheaper one on amazon has 8gb of ram and no ssd. But both laptops do have the sli graphics. I think that with the extra ram the more expensive laptop may be better for me because I will be gaming on it. Thanks for the reply and it is good to know that with the dual graphics it can handle gaming well.


Aug 12, 2013

My main focus for getting this laptop is to game on it so that is why I was looking at the msi ge60 2oe originally but I was told that the dual graphics cards work together and act like a higher end more expensive graphics card, putting them over the 765m in benchmarks. These cards are not compared much online from what I have seen so it is fairly hard to tell for me. Thanks


Well I can see the reasoning in that, but honestly if you know much about PC stuff I would probably advise you just upgrade it yourself. $60 for an extra 8GB of RAM, and you could get a 120GB SSD for another $100 and that still lands you at a lower total cost than Tiger Direct.



You are completely right on this one. Do not listen to what he is saying. That one has good graphics and better battery life, but because the one you selected has 2 Nvidia 750M's working together it actually has much better graphics. Only get the other one if you want it for what I think is a better look and for longer battery life.