Less Revealing Body Scanner Demoed in Airports

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I wouldn't care either way (enhanced image or this new scan). I have nothing to hide. As long I get to point A to point B without getting blown up by a terrorist or by some crazy person, I am ok with that. People who refuse these scans, please take a bus or a train and don't make a specktal of yourself. It is selfish!!
im against it.

i dont think this is necessary, and it gives people a false sense of security.
if there is a way to bypass it, it will be found.

what the airports need is trained profilers. people who can see suspicious behavioral and call them out. they have gotten more people who carried something on a plain than anything else.

i also dont particularly like the idea of being scanned, though an outline and nothing more is a bit of a relief. what i want is a monitor that shows you exactly what they see, than i may be 90% ok with it.
[citation][nom]officeguy[/nom]I wouldn't care either way (enhanced image or this new scan). I have nothing to hide. As long I get to point A to point B without getting blown up by a terrorist or by some crazy person, I am ok with that. People who refuse these scans, please take a bus or a train and don't make a specktal of yourself. It is selfish!![/citation]

You're also OK with the spectacle known as the border with Mexico? Apparently the illegal immigration situation is so dire that literally anyone is getting across...and this nightmare has been going on for years, yet it didn't seem to feature much in Mr. O's election manifesto.

The hypocrisy of national security is a spectacle - and so is the consequence: guns..drugs..crime..impact on social cohesion and also the damage to the environment including resource depletion. Most of the population growth has been through illegal immigration especially in the Southwest, and on a massive scale.

But hey, rest assured those of us who return to or enter the US with a legal right to be there..those who face surly, aggressive staff because because have reservations about rights violations (the nerve)..I'm sure the rapists, the murders, the gang-bangers, the drug-pushers and the all-rounder dossers will be oh-so thankful that 'their' foreign-owned country can sleep more sound at night!![b/b]
pas.. until i camn carry my laptop and carryon without hacvign to show up an hour ealr yto a flight and then just show an id walk through a metal detector mx and thenb get on a plane i'll pass... cause my skin tone it darker then a honey dew melon but lighter than milk chocolate guess who always get to go through "special" screening" ... this guy
[citation][nom]wild9[/nom]You're also OK with the spectacle known as the border with Mexico? Apparently the illegal immigration situation is so dire that literally anyone is getting across...and this nightmare has been going on for years, yet it didn't seem to feature much in Mr. O's election manifesto.The hypocrisy of national security is a spectacle - and so is the consequence: guns..drugs..crime..impact on social cohesion and also the damage to the environment including resource depletion. Most of the population growth has been through illegal immigration especially in the Southwest, and on a massive scale.But hey, rest assured those of us who return to or enter the US with a legal right to be there..those who face surly, aggressive staff because because have reservations about rights violations (the nerve)..I'm sure the rapists, the murders, the gang-bangers, the drug-pushers and the all-rounder dossers will be oh-so thankful that 'their' foreign-owned country can sleep more sound at night!![b/b][/citation]

Where is this coming from?! We're talking about scanners at airports, not border control. In order for one to get on a plane they need to be legal anyway, so how does illegal immigration correlate to this?

Quit trying to be the radical, all knowing poster and just say, "No, I don't like the idea because I like to argue just for the sake of it".

For me, I'm either way about it. It's just as one of the earlier posters said, if it makes my traveling safer, I'm all for it.
I'd feel much better going through a scanner now (not that i've actually been travelling recently), much better than how it was before, well now since its just being demoed lol.
I hope the fact that someone isn't seeing the actual person's body will cut down on a very suspicious trend I've noticed with how "random" the selection process is. There is a much higher percentage of attractive women being selected than anyone else.
I've flown with my wife a lot lately, over 4 trips in 5 months and my wife has been selected every time we've flown, even when we are traveling with our kids. And after these scans, they still do the pat downs on her.
On one occasion, a male TSA agent even attempted to do the pat down!!! We had to argue with him to get a female agent.
As to increasing security, on one occasion my wife and daughter both forgot to leave their pepper sprays at home and took them through the Security checkpoint successfully.
T - Tyrants
S - Sickos
A - Assholes
[citation][nom]calmstateofmind[/nom]Where is this coming from?! We're talking about scanners at airports, not border control. In order for one to get on a plane they need to be legal anyway, so how does illegal immigration correlate to this? Quit trying to be the radical, all knowing poster and just say, "No, I don't like the idea because I like to argue just for the sake of it".For me, I'm either way about it. It's just as one of the earlier posters said, if it makes my traveling safer, I'm all for it.[/citation]

Exactly what makes you think something nefarious couldn't be smuggled in across the border? I know, it's a "radical" concept to think that we're putting 100% of our effort into 25% of the problem. Too many people are okay with full on body scans and TSA employees getting frisky with your junk... But stop the illegal immigrants from coming over and somehow THAT is un-American. Look, I realize people want to travel safely... I get it... Some are willing to go through almost anything the achieve that goal. I'm just not one of them.
What's ludicrous is how people are are so willing to surrender their bodies, freedoms, and souls to the Almighty State. "I have nothing to hide. As long I get to point A to point B..." You're a fool. None of these "procedures" have netted a terrorist. So far, the bad guys have been caught by observant passengers or citizens, not TSA. One day, you're gonna wake up and the whole society will be a totalitarian police state. You think it will stop at airports. What about supermarkets, malls, gas stations, concerts? Where do draw you draw the line, or do you keep going until we live in a world where the vid-screen wakes you up, makes you exercise, tells you what to eat, then sends you to work?
Yay more trillions for government pork!

TSA really has not done anything good besides stomp on people's freedoms without any oversight. There are so many things in the US that desperately need attention, but we freak out if some bozo tries to blow something up. We see more death and misery as a nation due to the crippling problems we face, but Oh no! We gotta stop some idiot with a bomb in his shoe, and we gotta spend several trillion dollars to do so! Oh, and we still let the underwear and shoe bombers (both idiots) get on the plane even with added security.

If they were smart, they would do like the Israelis and use trained people to watch and properly search for people who are a problem when they come in and go through security.

These machines are already obsolete as terrorists are not perturbed from smuggling something inside their bodies. Health questions aside, this is just more money being dumped down the tubes and into the pockets of the people who have links to the companies they're buying from.
"To combat terrorism" and "To protect the children" are the root passwords to the Constitution.

I feel safer already, thanks security theater!

I'm still more concerned over the old rich white christians in DC than the poor young brown muslims in caves on the other side of the planet.
[citation][nom]officeguy[/nom]I wouldn't care either way (enhanced image or this new scan). I have nothing to hide. As long I get to point A to point B without getting blown up by a terrorist or by some crazy person, I am ok with that. People who refuse these scans, please take a bus or a train and don't make a specktal of yourself. It is selfish!![/citation]

"Those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither." - Ben Franklin
[citation][nom]sseyler[/nom]"Those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither." - Ben Franklin[/citation]

I believe the exact quote is: "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

But the point is the same, and a correct one. Too bad the Government does not agree. or maybe they do... Maybe after seeing what Americans will give up in the name of "safety", they feel people don't deserve liberty or safety... so they take it away.
From what I heard, this is not a "new scanner." Rather, it is software that just shows the outline of the body. Given that there might be problems discerning a "suspicious object" on some passengers, I am sure that the original image must still be available for "review" when situations warrant. This is probably more of an attempt at PR by DHS rather than something that really increases security or decreases radiation exposure from the machine.
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