News LG is holding webOS24 hostage for a year before older TVs get the update

This is pretty amateurish writing IMHO.

LG isn't holding new features in firmware "hostage." They're likely focusing development on new 2024 model support and updates, and will reallocate software dev resources later in 2024.

If you want to write with credibility and transparency, use realistic language. If you want to write fluff clickbait, use provocative headings that exaggerate and overdramatize the subject. (Yeah, I registered here this morning so that I could comment.)
I ended getting one of the models.
Hope to see more apps. KODI, VLC. ect. movies and shows.
they told me to get a firestick or nvidea shield or something. IDK.
found some movie apps that don't have subscription. on the webos smart feature.
They should allow other OS on the TV's. maybe multi boot option. So you can boot android, or whatever.
Just put the apps on. i see alot of weird apps on there.
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