Logitech Z523 and 2.1 vs 5.1?


Mar 17, 2006
Compare to the same speakers; 2.1 will sound better if the source is stereo as the sound is more detailed, however, 5.1 will be good for watching movies or listening to audio with multiple channels because the sound is optimize for multiple speakers if the speakers are positioned properly.

As far as the sound quality, it's all depends...You might be able to get a $50 5.1 system that usually $100 or more the equivalent of same equipment if you look hard enough.

The AL octane 7 2.1 would probably worth the $5 of sounds quality better than the Logitech Z532.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836113033 - unfortunately, shipping will add more to its total price.