Hi I am looking to buy a laptop for around $400 that I can game on. The primary games I will be playing are Diablo III and world of warcraft. I also like to play other games like minecraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Starcraft, and generally anything my computer can handle. But the main game I will be playing is World of Warcraft and that is my main concern. I am obviously NOT looking to play on ultra graphics settings at 60+ fps. But I would like to play on low - medium with consistant 30+ fps (even in 25 raid situations). I plan on building a decent desktop for gaming but my current laptop is on the fritz and I need a good one to use in the mean time.
I have been looking around and trying to do a little research of my own, but I am not very savvy when it comes to this kind of stuff. From what I read and from what I have searched ( http/www.walmart.com/ip/Gateway-Refurbished-Red-15.6-NV52L23u-Laptop-PC-with-AMD-Quad-Core-A8-4500M-Processor-and-Windows-8-Operating-System/24910915 ) seems like a good laptop. I was going to just purchase this, but i figure i might see what you people think about it. Do you think that it would run world of warcraft decently enough for what i am looking for?
EDIT: I also found this computer on amazon refurbished for $319, do you think it is safe to get a refurbished one off of amazon? http/www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00BJQ86H8/sr=/qid=/ref=olp_tab_refurbished?ie=UTF8&colid=&coliid=&condition=refurbished&me=&qid=&seller=&sr=
Sorry in advance for anything I most likely did wrong.
Thank you
I have been looking around and trying to do a little research of my own, but I am not very savvy when it comes to this kind of stuff. From what I read and from what I have searched ( http/www.walmart.com/ip/Gateway-Refurbished-Red-15.6-NV52L23u-Laptop-PC-with-AMD-Quad-Core-A8-4500M-Processor-and-Windows-8-Operating-System/24910915 ) seems like a good laptop. I was going to just purchase this, but i figure i might see what you people think about it. Do you think that it would run world of warcraft decently enough for what i am looking for?
EDIT: I also found this computer on amazon refurbished for $319, do you think it is safe to get a refurbished one off of amazon? http/www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00BJQ86H8/sr=/qid=/ref=olp_tab_refurbished?ie=UTF8&colid=&coliid=&condition=refurbished&me=&qid=&seller=&sr=
Sorry in advance for anything I most likely did wrong.
Thank you