Looking for a gaming laptop

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Jan 22, 2011
So, I am looking for a gaming laptop under my short budget. >.< I would buy a desktop, but unfortunately, I have divorced parents and I getting a desktop would be sort of lame because I don't want to have to lug it back and forth.

1. What is your budget?
-Somwhere under $1,000 USD(After S&H) If not possible, $1,200 USD

2. What is the size of the notebook that you are considering?
-Size doesn't really matter to me.

3. What screen resolution do you want?
-1280x800 or higher
4. Do you need a portable or desktop replacement laptop?
-Either or, just as long as it doesn't weigh like 8 lbs.

5. How much battery life do you need?
-I will probably keep it tethered to the wall so this doesn't matter.

6. Do you want to play games with your laptop? If so then please list the games that you want to with the settings that you want for these games. (Low,Medium or High)?
-I really want to play Guild Wars 2 when it is release
-I also want to play RIFT.
-Both of which I want to play at HIGH or MEDIUM/High settings.

7. What other tasks do you want to do with your laptop? (Photo / Video editing,watching movies, Etc.)
-Type papers(oppenoffice), transfer photos.

8. How much storage (Hard Drive capacity) do you need?
-I could probably survive with anything under 300GB HDD Space.

9. If you are considering specific sites to buy from, please post their links.

10. How long do you want to keep your laptop?
-I would want to keep it for at least 4-7 years.
-I want to be able to play games that are released in 2013.(MMORPGS)
-I will probably only play MMORPGS like Lineage II, AIKA, Guild Wars 2, etc....

11. What kind of Optical drive do you need? DVD ROM/Writer,Bluray ROM/Writer,Etc ?
-Any opical drive that can burn music, install games from discs, and read pictures and music from CD's.

12. Please tell us about the brands that you prefer to buy from them and the brands that you don't like and explain the reasons.
-ASUS(I hear good things about their cooling)
-Not sure what else....

13. What country do you live in?
-Unites States of America

14. Please tell us any additional information if needed.
-I want the Optical Drive to not be external.
-Please let me know if the laptop is going to get HOT or not. I don't mind warmth, but if the laptop is spitting out hot ait constantly, then I don't want it.
-Being able to upgrade the hardware inside the laptop would be a plus, but not needed.

Thanks and I hope to see some great responses. And if you can, you may just post the specs I would need and I could search myself if you can't find a laptop within my standards. 😛
I think you might the the Qosmio x505 for $1200.

CPU: Core i5-450M
RAM: 4GB DDR3 1066MHz
GPU: Geforce GTS 360M
Screen: 18.4" 1680x945

Price: $1200

I just really, really dig the 18.4 inch screen. A little bit more ($80) will get you an upgraded GPU to the 460M. It's pretty nice looking to me, but it's large - 2 lbs over your limit (10.1 pounds) but hey, it's still nice.


I've looked at this laptop and I don't think I would like it all that much. D:
The problem in your case, is, that your looking for a gaming laptop for only $1000 that wil last you 4-7 years, as if able to play all the latest games.
Which ever laptop you end up with (hopefully) will be satisfactory. But if you thin of computers made about 4-7 years ago. You will notice that you would not be wanting to game on something like that, They will just not be adequate for the gaming in a couple of years. But either way, there are laptops today, that will last longer than many others. But not for $1000. Maybe $1200, but most likely they will be very expensive. But from what I can show you, here are some computers that you may like, I must warn you, the graphics cards are not the best on the planet or anything, but they are adequate for good gaming today, and tomorrows gaming, but will most likely not be useful for gaming in 4-7 years. Anyways, Here are a few...

It has a 5650 in it, it's not the best, its actually very medium. But it is fairly adequate for gaming.

Before I continue, here are a few links to sites that have a good inventory of cheap high performance computers.
www.amazon.com - navigate to the computer & office section, and just find you way to the laptop area, it would be better not to tweak any settings to show laptops between so and so prices... just look at the prices, and if anything looks interesting click on it, and get back to us if you want and ask about it.


This laptop has a 1366x768, which isn't a favorite for gaming, but the rest of the specs should be looked at.
It has a Radeon 6370, which is 1 of the brand new GPUs from AMD (ATI discontinued) which is part of a new 6000s series card.
it also has a core i7.
It isn't very large, so weight will not be an issue, and fairly confortable for use.

HP has some cheap laptops which might be worth looking at, but they all are known to have a bit of a heat problem, except for the new HP ENVY 17 3D, which amazingly, has not recieved any complaints, except for an issue with the touchpad, but I won't get into that, since it cost about 1600 dollars.

Another thing to look into, are more ASUS computers, they are very reliable, and they have state of the art cooling from ASUS, since they are very skilled in motherboards, they always crank out something, cheap, cool, and fast.
i have an ASUS G73, and I love it! i bought it for 850 dollars from BestBuy (it was refurbished, but i assure you, that the only difference between a new and used one is the box that it comes in).
Now, the vesion that i bought (and that im typing on now) has been discontinued, i guess it was sold out, but there is another one for 999. And it is just screaming fast!
it has a 5870, which is just about the best single GPU from AMD. you can play any game on high and get no lag.
I highly recommend it.
The conflict between you and the G73, is weight. It does weight about 8 pounds or so. But to tell ou the truth, i feel like im holding a Macbook Air when I carry it, it's not heavy at all, but it does weight 8 pounds 😀
What I do want to say, is that, technology is doubling every 6 months.. they always have something new coming out, and it goes the same for gaming, so i would like to remind you, that 4-7 years for a laptop, is unreasonable, you have to think clearly about if you want to attempt to game on a 7 year old laptop, it doesn't matter if it was the most expensive or one of the cheaper laptops of it's prime time. but do not expect a laptop to last that long, for one, it will be severely outdated, and secondly, laptops aren't physically built to last that long, the ASUS G73, looks like its going to last me awhile, since i pamper it, and it doesn't get hot at all... so life isn't shortened.. but i will most likely not be typing on it in 4 years... unless it was it's desktop cousin... but thats different when it comes to desktops.
If you really want something that will last that long, then look at Falcon Southwest, they build laptops with Desktop grade hardware, of course they cost 5000 dollars, and they weight a ton... but they will last that long, atleast for gaming 😀

btw ASUS has a smaller seris of the G73, called the g5? (i cant remember if it was g52, or 51... etc.). And it is much lighter, but i don't expect to get any discount from the price, and the cooling probably isn't as cool as the g73..
Choose, wisely, laptops can be a blessing if your smart when picking.
I hope you find something you like,
and God Bless you all.
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