Looking for a good antivirus thats free that will be a one time use

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Dec 6, 2015
At the moment I dont have money to buy a anti virus(usually i use nortan), im looking for something as strong for a quick check because I feel as if the windows 10 antivirus is not doing a good job. Im looking for one that doesnt download junk either. Any recommendations?
I haven't used a paid anti-virus program since Norton discontinued my account seven months into a 12 month contract back in 03. Since then, I've used AVG, Avast, Avira, and TrendMicro's Housecall. For malware, I've used Spybot: Search and Destroy and Malwarebytes.

-Wolf sends
I used SecureAge's SecureAPlus for a year, and was quite impressed....; I'd have kept using it but the 1 year trial expired...

Works on a 'whitelist' principle everything you list as good zips along, and it tends to ask for your permission for new things, and, blocks known bad things....but will allow you to override anything if desired.....

Uses few resources, taps into 13 cloud engines, etc....

I saw no negatives at all, in fact....

(Although some folks don't like being asked "Allow or Block', I think it's preferable to just automatically blocking or allowing, personally..
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