Looking for a low budget laptop for continue study

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Apr 1, 2017
Hye. I'm looking for laptop to continue study but I also like to play games during leisure time.My budget is only RM1200.What type and brand did you suggest to me? Another question is Acer and ASUS is not good brand for laptop?
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That is under $300 US, that won't play many games. At that price, really any laptop is the same, and it also depends on what is available in your market.

For Windows, you are limited to something with an A6 CPU probably, maybe A4 or a low end Pentium. Acer are usually the cheapest models but also have a worse reliability record than ASUS, Lenovo and Dell.
That is under $300 US, that won't play many games. At that price, really any laptop is the same, and it also depends on what is available in your market.

For Windows, you are limited to something with an A6 CPU probably, maybe A4 or a low end Pentium. Acer are usually the cheapest models but also have a worse reliability record than ASUS, Lenovo and Dell.
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Question from Aidiel10 : "Looking for a low budget laptop for continue study"

Hye I'm Aidiel.before this I have send an email about this.I hope u can give me a name of model n the brand.This July have new intake at all university in Malaysia.But I still searching for a laptop to continue study.Hope u can reply my email as soon as pOssible.Thank you..
Question from Aidiel10 : "Looking for a low budget laptop for continue study n for gaming"

I want the name of model and the name of the brand..

That depends on your market, there are tons of models available, and even the same hardware in different countries falls under different model numbers. In general, ASUS, Lenovo and Dell are the top 3 in reliability and there will be models from them in your budget on the low end. Just forget about games on something so cheap unless you get a used system.
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