Looking for mid-range, Portable desktop (chunky laptop)


Apr 18, 2014
1. What is your budget?
£1,000 (+\-200). Poor health makes saving up money take a long time. Slapping on an extra £500 seems very daunting.
Though if £1,200 does not meet below specifications, i guess ill have to reconsider.

2. What is the size of the notebook that you are considering?
17.3" screen.
Chunky cooling system.

3. What screen resolution do you want?
1920 x 1080 i think, Not too sure though.

4. Do you need a portable or desktop replacement laptop?
Somwhere in between laptop and desktop, portable-desktop i guess.

I'm currently building a Yurt (Mongolian Nomadic round-house) that i plan to live in.
once i have waterproofed it, put in floor boards and a wood burner, it will be suitable for Tech Toys.
Planning to put together some Solar cells on the roof to provide power, so a desktop will not suit (not with British weather anyway)

Small living area means each space having multiple uses, very useful to be able to put away laptop when not in use.
May be transported in travel rucksack once a week at most.

I have no need for a slim-form / light-weight laptop. I'm hoping to avoid higher purchase costs + thermal throttling often associated with them.

5. How much battery life do you need?
4 hours watching movies, 2 hours video editing, 1 hour gaming.

6. Do you want to play games with your laptop? If so then please list the games that you want to with the settings that you want for these games. (Low,Medium or High)?
(@high-medium settings)
-Rome 2 Total war (+ all older TW games)
-Arma 2
-Kerbal space program
-War thunder
-Naval Action

Big part of my gaming is large scale history/stratagy:
-Realism mods for Total war series, large scale, multiple armies (+8,000 men on field)
-Division scale military exercises in Arma 2
-big space stations in KSP, multiple ships in use, many parts

generally speaking, slightly older games, running at maximum 'scale'.

7. What other tasks do you want to do with your laptop? (Photo/Video editing, Etc.)
Video editing, not sure on software yet.
Will be a while before i start using for editing. to keep initial cost down, can i get HDD version with empty slot for SSD, to get at a later date?

8. How much storage (Hard Drive capacity) do you need?
Not sure on SSD yet.

9. If you are considering specific sites to buy from, please post their links.
Probably Amazon, though open to try anywhere else with reliable customer service.
What you guys think about refurbished laptops?
Or ebay?

10. How long do you want to keep your laptop?
3-4 years

11. What kind of Optical drive do you need? DVD ROM/Writer,Bluray ROM/Writer,Etc ?
DVD writer should do fine.

12. Please tell us about the brands that you prefer to buy from them and the brands that you don't like and explain the reasons.
Long term durability important for me.
Regarding CPU/GPU, i feel AMD can often put out an extra 5-10% clock speeds for the money, but iv found Intel and Nvidia to be more reliable hardware.

ASUS has often popped up as having durable build quality. I like the discreet design profiles of the ROG series.
as mentioned above, looking for large cooling system. The ASUS G75(0/1/2) seems very suitable so far.
(not the thin one).

Within the G750 to G752, i not sure which one would suit?

Or any other laptops with larger cooling systems?

13. What country do you live in?
South England.

14. Please tell us any additional information if needed.
I have been trying to track down some older G750 models for sale, very difficult to find. Seems ASUS doesn't like their older models floating around the market.
With the release of the G752, are the older ROG models going to be much cheaper?

Thanks for taking the time to read
any advice much appreciated

all the best
thanks for suggestions Johnny.
the 2nd and 3rd ones i quite cautious about thermal throttling.
was often a problem for friends and i at school.
i watched quite a few reviews on 17" gaming laptops where thermal throttling was an issue (especially gtx9**M / i7)

ill definitely be steering clear of acer. seems like fragile build quality.

The first one i like. G751. it got that nice big cooling system.
Linus had some good things to say about an earlier model

though i having trouble tracking down a JY model (980M) here in uk. there are some but they looking about £1600 (~$2200). too much.
(you guys always seem to get better price/performance ratio over in US, Lame!)

I did find the JL model to...
With that kind of budget you should be able to afford a great gaming laptop. The only trade off you might have to bear is battery life. Unfortunately, the battery tech isn't quite there for the kind of specs you desire.

I'm based in America. My findings may not exactly be translatable, but at the very least you should be able to find near equivalents.

For your needs I would say at minimum you need a quad-core CPU and a discrete GPU with 4 GB of RAM (especially for those large tactical war games like the Total War series). I found 3 such laptops that should fit your budget, listed below from most expensive to least:



The Acer Aspire V17 Nitro Black Edition

All of the above have quad-core CPUs, 16 GBs of RAM, super fast discrete GPUs, and an SSD to boot. You'll be happy and mostly future-proof with any of these laptops. They also all have at least a terabyte of storage in addition to the SSD (important for storing those massive Total War games).

Of those three I would go with the ASUS ROG GL752VW-DH74. Sure the GPU might not be the best, but it's got an m.2 PCIe SSD, which is the latest and greatest in SSD technology.
thanks for suggestions Johnny.
the 2nd and 3rd ones i quite cautious about thermal throttling.
was often a problem for friends and i at school.
i watched quite a few reviews on 17" gaming laptops where thermal throttling was an issue (especially gtx9**M / i7)

ill definitely be steering clear of acer. seems like fragile build quality.

The first one i like. G751. it got that nice big cooling system.
Linus had some good things to say about an earlier model

though i having trouble tracking down a JY model (980M) here in uk. there are some but they looking about £1600 (~$2200). too much.
(you guys always seem to get better price/performance ratio over in US, Lame!)

I did find the JL model to be just about in budget:

it very similar, maybe slightly less performance, with a 970m and an i7-4750HQ (2 GHz)
you recon it would suit?

i recon the older G750 models (like in video review) could be getting cheaper now. that might suit also, but i cant find many around market.

thanks for heads up on battery life. cause its more of a portable desktop it will be around power sockets most of the time.

That Asus model you linked to seems like a pretty great deal to me!

If you wanted a more current system there is also the Acer Predator. I don't mean to keep on plugging Acer products (I swear!), but this model has a pretty robust build and cooling system. It's a little outside of your budget, but Laptop Mag gave it a four star review. You may want to consider this model as well.
that acer predator looks nice. pitty it too far over budget.
seems most extra large cooling systems are reserved for the high end gaming laptops.

so far the only company i could find, that does larger cooling systems on mid range laptops, is ASUS with The G75* (0/1/2)

it nice to consider other options though.
I somtimes get that thing where i start to like the look of a tech toy, and subtly start ignoring negative reviews, or positive reviews of other models.

though It looks like im settling on the ASUS G751-JL model, ill probably keep looking around.