Looking for Tablet to work best with new Windows 8 computer


Jul 28, 2013
So I am building a desktop computer with Windows 8 to be able to take to college and to be able to game on. My laptop was a refurbished laptop and it's breaking down real fast. I use my tablet for schoolwork and band (to buy and listen to our music and to write music sometimes), so mostly non-resource intensive tasks. What would be the best (and cheapest) option for me that would be able to integrate well with my Windows 8 computer and possibly run a remote desktop connection to it? I don't mind the operating system and I would prefer a lot of different suggestions as well so that I may look over them myself and see what may be best for me. My price is around $200.


Aug 2, 2013
The Nexus 7 (2013) is hands down the BEST tablet you can get at the moment. It runs for $229 and is a solid tablet. Read any reviews from Engadget, The Verge, Android Central, etc. and will hear nothing but good. As for the remote desktop you can get an app called Splashtop. That app is very good for desktop streaming. I have used it to play Team Fortress 2 and the latency is minimal. I hope I helped!