Looking to buy a powerful, long lasting laptop


Jan 15, 2012
1. Budget is anything under 700Euro

2. Size - don't really care but obviously the bigger the better

3. Best quality possible.

4. I don't really know what that means tbh

5. If it can stay alive for an hour on full charge then I am happy.

6. Yes, grand theft auto, skyrim, BF3, fallout..I am not looking for a gaming laptop that plays on Ultra settings...just look at my budget :lol: but if I have the option to play BF3 on the computer that would be cool...low to medium settings is fine for me. (I play on 360 mainly but I spend lots of time from home, it'd be cool to start up some BF3.)

7. Video editing and rendering on Sony Vegas, movies, music and general web use

8. Anything above 160GB will be good, most of my stuff is on an external drive.

9. www.pixmania.ie but any site that ships to EITHER Ireland or England and I'm good. (I travel to England lots.)

10. If it lasts over a year I'm happy.

11. A CD/DVD drive

12. None, if it can do what I need then it's good with me

13. Ireland. But as above I go to the UK a lot and have relations living there full time.

14. I hope I'm not going over my head a bit here...I had planned on building a custom desktop for gaming alone but I've decided to stick to console gaming and just play games on this (on low-medium settings) if I'm away from home and find myself with nothing to do, or just for a change as I know people who play both.
Any and all help much appreciated and thank you for reading!
Hi, thanks for the reply WR2!
Thats a great looking laptop, great specs and perfect for what I need, would it be possible to upgrade the graphics down the line if I ever wanted to do so?
As for the VAT, not sure as it'll be my first time purchasing something like this online, I might just have my brother order it and give him the cash and just plan it so I'm around when it's arriving!
Upgrading the graphics card won't be possible (or a good idea due to the cost).
It's less expensive (and a lot easier) just to pay for the upgraded graphics card in the first place.

It looks like travelers to the UK from Euro member countries aren't eligible for a VAT refund like international travelers from outside the UK