Lost my baby pics

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what phone do you have?

try recuva, it's free.

there are tons of other recovery-programs, the problem is that most may "find" your files again, but to restore them you have to pay for a license, which often is 30 bucks or more.

tip: if the program finds your pics, it's not sure that they will have the original filename, so keep your eyes open and try to specify the filetype as .jpg to limit results.

also remember it's best to _NOT_ take any additional pictures, or change any other contents of your sd-card (assuming the pics are saved to the card, of course), since it's as good as impossible to recover overwritten data as a private user, from my experience.

and i don't have to tell you to do regular backups in the future, either to the cloud, to the computer, or an external harddisk, best would be all three.

sidenote: consider getting a proper camera. a point and shoot for 100-200 bucks, or even a used one for <100$ should suffice. trust me, kids are worth it! ;)
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