Macbook Pro 15 alternatives

Dark Comet

Jan 15, 2008
I'm thinking about getting a new laptop but would want one that's powerful, reasonably thin and has a good battery life. I can find laptops that match the Macbook Pro 15" easy in specifications but can't find one that matches it in battery life and thinness. I would be putting a Windows OS on one if I bought one. I'm taking about the non retina 2012 15" version. Anyone know of any Laptops that match it in these areas?
After a good look around it doesn't seem like there is anything that can match it. Nothing seems to be as thin with an Ivy bridge CPU/mid range GPU and still maintain reasonable battery life. Although they are very expensive it would seem they hold their value well.
Yeah maybe, it'll take me at least a month to save up enough so I'll see if anything changes between now and then. It's a shame the Macbook pro is so highly priced...
From what I've seen the they both have a weaker GPU and the Samsung has viewing angle issues but a great battery life. My Acer I have at the moment is really annoying me with the viewing angles, so I guess this is kinda important to me. The Dell has a GT 525 GPU which is alot weaker than the GT650 with less battery life (From the limited tests I can find). They cost alot less though... maybe I'm too picky.

It works fine.. but the battery life is significantly less than what you will get in Mac OS.

Sorry for the double post, but I would advise against the MBP unless you can get it cheap or have a lot of extra cash. Otherwise there are plenty of good ultrabooks that I think are on part if not better than the MBP. The Samsung 9 series is decent, so is the new Dell Ultrabook XPS 14, and the new Acer Zenbook Prime series.
Could I get 3.5 hours surfing the web and maybe some youtube videos do you think? I'm put off the Samsung series 9 because of the viewing angles on the screen and don't really want anything with less than 15" on the screen so I'm looking at the Dell XPS 15 as well but its GPU is very weak which is putting me off.
samsung series 7 with the i7 processor kicks macbook pro ass and its much cheaper.

if you want something cheaper go with the samsung serie 7 i5.

Another very good alternative is the lenovo Edge E530, great processor, great screen, great everything else but not such a good battery life...

its a lenovo thouhg and its cheaper than the samsung.
The Samsung Series 7 15.6" is not a good alternative to the Macbook Pro, because of its very poor quality screen. Its resolution of 1600x900 is good for its size of 15.6", but the display itself is a low-tier LCD panel with very poor contrast. The display cannot produce a dark black, and it has an overall grayish look to it.

Take a look at the Sony Vaio SVS15 (for thinness) or MSI GE60 (for performance but still low weight)

Yeah it's such a shock (And disappointment) that Samsung would have a poor display on it's laptops. The thing I like about the Macbook Pro 15 is it's battery, its really big for a laptop and yet it's in such a small shell, but again its all at no small cost. I think the Sonys a dual core so I'll check the MSI one out, thanks.

I had a look at the retina Macbook Pro today; great screen when you look at it next to the normal 15 pro its much sharper and clearer. If it wasn't for the image retention problems I'd consider it.

Did you ever find an alternative ? I am about to buy a sager 6165.. and am in the same situation as you were