I was always lost by this. If i enter in a site that i want to visit for services or products. Then i leave it, then all of a sudden that site is in adds in many places i go, whats the point of the ad?
Gaming, If i got to a gaming site and it is advertising some game, whats wrong with that? But then sometimes its like, why is this game being adviretised here? Most times it no big deal almost completely understandable, then its like "What?" And most the time there "free" flash games or Trial MMOs, which need to find some way of ads. Alot of game reveiw sites are just full and making new ones get confusing due to the vast amount, and sites getting reviews over others. But thats the gaming part of it.
The rest though it weird, the one big thing thats cool is learning of something you might not search directly. Biggest loss in not having them. Marketing the internet is tuff. I'd say. But there are ways to find the things you want or need, but there is a line somewhere though.