Microsoft Takes Next-to-Last Place in Latest Antivirus Tests

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I'd like to see Malwarebytes included in this list.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware isn't antivirus software. It doesn't prevent infections -- rather, it cleans up after the infection has already happened. That's why it can run alongside true antivirus software; two antivirus software packages running at the same time would slow down a machine drastically.
It's a shame Qihoo is no longer reviewed. They still make the best free anti-virus and you don't even think of paying for a service because it's that good.

I know why they're no longer reviewed, removed by mod. As I said, it's a shame. Learn to read.

Calling him mentally ill doesn't make you look better in this thread, learn to respect people's mistakes/misunderstanding, we all make them sometime in our life

If he misunderstood what you said then again that is fine just simply correct him and the day is done, there was no need to increase your hostility in this thread

There's ways to not make simple mistakes, in this case it's called proofreading. If that person is incapable of doing something as simple as that then they're clearly a removed by mod. I don't use that word without reason and quite frankly, you and all the other SJWs can go removed by mod yourselves.

So you are saying that you have every right to be mad over that misunderstanding that the OP made and that gives you the right to call someone a "retard", a mentally ill person....Why not stupid or dumb? It doesn't matter if he failed to proofread it and it was just a simple mistake not worth for any idiot to get pissed over about and call them a retard and we are not all that perfect. Wow I am guessing all the board members will be laughing at your posts after reading it....Enjoy your day telling people to go screw themselves....Well if you think that it will make you look smarter and better than anyone in this forum anyway..

Oh and I would recommend you to stop commenting on this thread at this point since it seems very irrelevant to the real topic and you talking more crap to me will drag it down even further so please do, unless you are trying very hard to get banned or something :)

Oh dear. TheLoneWolf989, I wrote the original piece. I know what was in it. I wasn't sure if you had read it. If you are terribly offended by my erroneous presumption, then you may have issues that cannot be addressed in this forum. Best of luck.
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