I agree thogrom, when I switched to Vista from XP, I was surprised how much I liked Vista BETTER! Many things about Vista just work so much better than they have ever, with some tweaking I am getting the same if not better performance than when I used XP on the SAME machine. The only real problems I have against Vista is the slow 64 bit support, which is to be expected and will be fixed rather quickly, as well as the data storage system. Vista uses twice the amount of hard drive space for the same file if it were on XP, but that merely means a hard drive upgrade and hard drives are dirt cheap today. All those who do not like Vista usually have absolutely no idea what they are doing, and to be quite honest, they are just unhappy because they do not want to spend the money on an upgrade. I will NEVER go back to XP, I love Vista and I think it is the first good move Microsoft has made in a long time, and if you do not like it then stop whining about it, your just being very arrogant because, believe it or not, your opinion is not a fact and neither is mine, or anyones.
Also, eraigames is absolutely correct the slow adoption of Vista is because they don't want to spend the money to buy Vista AND train their employees to use it to it's fullest. Maybe the reason that Vista is being adopted slower than XP was, is because XP was a VERY huge leap in stability and performance, and Vista is not. Also does a global recession mean anything to anyone?