This is an exciting and dangerous quest as you will be facing two big and highly offensive monsters at the same time. If you want to know how you can complete this quest and how you can face both of the monsters, take a look at the guide below:
This is going to be a lot harder quest and the good thing is that you will not get to see the routine hunting of one big monster as this one involves two monsters. This is the reason that this quest is going to be a daunting task because handling two monsters is not an easy thing. The objective of the quest is to hunt all targets where you will only be faced with Rathalos and Rathian so it means you will have to hunt them both.

If you complete the objective of the quest, you will be rewarded with a handsome amount of 7920z that is considered above average in terms of rewards. Anyways, you will be given 45 minutes to complete the quest and if you do not complete it in that time, you will fail it. You will also fail the quest if you faint three times which can happen as there are two monsters involved. The Hunter Rank that you need to start the quest is nine and you should have it by now. So with everything out of the way, let’s start it:
- Both of these monsters roam in the AREAS 16, 15 and 14 so it is highly a possibility that you will be faced with both of them at the same time. Therefore, you should be prepared for both of them. So first of all, you should tool your armor to the occasion.

Make sure to have Poison and Fire resistance skills as both of these monsters rely on the Poison tail and Fire Breath attacks. Bring Armorskins and Demondrug is also a good idea and having Flash Pods is intelligent as both of these monsters fly.

- So with the preparation out of the way, let’s talk about fighting them. You can do one thing if you want to avoid fighting both at the same time but this is not guaranteed to work. You can use the Dung Pods and throw them at the monster that is offending you to drive it away as the monsters don’t like to be struck with poo. This won’t keep the monster away forever but it will buy you some time to fight the remaining one.
- You can also use the Tranq Bombs and traps to capture the monster that is near death as will save you a lot of trouble. So make sure to build your scoutfly level up before the fight to track the monster when It flees and goes into the lair, you can then capture it.

- Alternatively, if you are confident enough and have a weapon that allows quick dodging and attacks, you can engage both at the same time and they may hit each other with some of their attacks so you need to be very good in dodging. Anyways, keep these things in mind when fighting them both.
So once you have killed both of them, the quest will end and you will be rewarded with a generous amount of 7920z.