MSI Dominator Pro suddenly very loud outside of games


Nov 9, 2013

I purchased the MSI Dominator Pro GT72 back in March. It's a wonderful gaming laptop and I never really had an issue with it. But for the past week, I noticed the laptops fan are very loud even when I am not playing a game.

I restarted the laptop several times, had it off for several hours, but the second I turn it on, the laptop gets loud. Not as loud as when I am playing a game, but still a good bit louder than it used to be.

I noticed that usually the Fanspeed RPM is at around 1700, now it's constantly at 2600+
Also, I am not sure what a normal temperature is for CPU and GPU, but when I am just on the desktop and in idle mode (CPU says 5% and GPU says 0%), the CPU is at 60c (140f) and GPU is at 56c (129f).

Another thing is, that at around the same time, I upgraded from windows 8.1 to windows 10.0 It definitely happened within the same few days, but I am not 100% certain it happened directly after upgrading to windows 10.

I was always super careful with my laptop and only used the laptop on a hard surface cover and never directly on a soft cover like a bed.

Would my assumption be right, that I should open up my baby and try to clean the fans? Or is there an other option
open taskmanager and see if there are 2-3 cmd consoles running. if 1 of them is showing more than 1-5% cpu usage constantly then,
go into folder options/view and put a check next to always show icons never thumbnails.
seems theres an issue with this feature that causes the cpu to get stuck at 15-25% usage while its constantly trying to index files even when indexing is off.