MSI GT 70 PC Dominator


Mar 31, 2015
Hi ive wierd problem with touch panel under monitor. Few days ago it works, but now i cant use theese buttons, they are not react and also they dont ligh up after i touch em. I tried to downl. from msi supp. all drivers, patches, and utilities and still it doesnt work. Even when i rolleback pc at date, when these buttons worked, and they r still broken.
If you look closely, directly above the top row of keys on the keyboard, you will see tiny slots above the F1, F5, F10, Scroll Lock, and PgUp keys. If you take a tiny screwdriver and gently pry upwards in each of these slots, the entire touch panel including speaker grilles will pop free. You can turn it over to check that everything is connected. I don't remember how many connections there are, though.