MSI GT660R-494US 1,299 is this a good deal?

Hello sapphirebabe;

NewEgg is a very good online store. Both from a price and service standpoint.

That MSI GT660R-494US and its Core i7 740 CPU & GTX 250M CPU @ $1300 is OK, just not a great deal right now.

You get a lot more bang for your buck with ASUS G Series G53SW-XN1 Notebook $1200
Intel Core i7 2630QM(2.00GHz) Sandy Bridge CPU, 6GB RAM 500GB HDD 7200rpm 15.6" 1920x1080 LCD w/ NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M

Hello sapphirebabe;

NewEgg is a very good online store. Both from a price and service standpoint.

That MSI GT660R-494US and its Core i7 740 CPU & GTX 250M CPU @ $1300 is OK, just not a great deal right now.

You get a lot more bang for your buck with ASUS G Series G53SW-XN1 Notebook $1200
Intel Core i7 2630QM(2.00GHz) Sandy Bridge CPU, 6GB RAM 500GB HDD 7200rpm 15.6" 1920x1080 LCD w/ NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M


Thanks, and yes that is the other one I was looking at. I know it has better specs for gaming, I just really hate how it looks, haha. Also the MSI has really good sound, that's important to me. I guess I forgot to mention that my hubby might want to use it to play SC2 once in a while or games like that. I know...if only the MSI GT660R had the Sandy Bridge I'd be sold.

This was the one I originally had my eye on but I was worried about the graphics card being able to handle games really well. I looked up the card online and I wasn't totally satisfied with how it ran most games...

i have one more question. how big of a difference will that sandy bridge in the ASUS make in gaming compared to the i7 the MSI GT660R has? Will it still be able to play games like SC2 on ultra or high, smoothly?