My family was tired of my cooking so I asked ChatGPT for help — the results amazed us all

John Fox

Sep 3, 2014
The real problem is she hasn't adopted her grandmother's rules. My daughter's kids love veggies. In fact, they recently took a trip to Europe via Disney cruises (first international trip for them in their 12 year marriage except for Canada} where both of their kids asked for squid. The proprietor couldn't believe they were from the US, which is quite telling on how US families raise their young.

I was also raised with the rule of you don't like it, there is peanut butter in the cupboard. I always ate everything on my plate even if I didn't like it. The benefit is that if I went to a friend's house, I knew how to keep quiet and eat. What do these children in the article do when they eat at a friend's house, expect to be catered to?

AI.. enabling lazy parents to further spoil their children.