Solved! My Lenovo laptop won't turn on. It's only showing the light on the power button

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Jun 20, 2016
My Lenovo laptop won't turn on. The only thing lighting up is the power button. I have tried to charge it, but it's showing no sign of charging. If I press the power button, nothing comes up. It just keeps flashing a white light, which is the normal procedure before it's turned on.

Please help!
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Please do try these troubleshooting steps that I suggested to others. They may help:
  1. First thing to do is a hard reboot. Remove the battery and unplug the AC adapter. Then, press and hold the power button for 20 seconds. After that, try booting it up again with the battery and charger.
  2. Next test to try would be to remove the battery again and connect just the AC adapter. Then, see if it will boot up or not.
  3. If the laptop will still not boot up with just the AC adapter connected, do try a different AC adapter that has the same voltage.
  4. Do also reseat the RAMs. Remove them all for a couple of seconds then put them back in, making sure everything is seated properly.
  5. Lastly, do also try connecting an external monitor...

Please do try these troubleshooting steps that I suggested to others. They may help:
  1. First thing to do is a hard reboot. Remove the battery and unplug the AC adapter. Then, press and hold the power button for 20 seconds. After that, try booting it up again with the battery and charger.
  2. Next test to try would be to remove the battery again and connect just the AC adapter. Then, see if it will boot up or not.
  3. If the laptop will still not boot up with just the AC adapter connected, do try a different AC adapter that has the same voltage.
  4. Do also reseat the RAMs. Remove them all for a couple of seconds then put them back in, making sure everything is seated properly.
  5. Lastly, do also try connecting an external monitor and see if you get any display from it.
  6. If all of these steps don't work, the problem might be the motherboard.
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I had the same problem and tried all of the conventional solutions.
But suddently, I found my problem and my laptop turned on.
The problem was in the wireless module. I just turned off the external button of wireless module and after that the laptop turned on easily.
It seems that the problem is in my wireless module which makes motherboard does not turn on.



I tried connecting the laptop to an external monitor and it works, but my laptops' screen is still black, what do i do next?
I've done all that plus:

  • Try different RAM modules

  • Hard reboot holding pwer button and One key recovery button for up to 120 seconds, no battery and no adapter.

  • Tried remove WiFi card, hard disk, cd-rom, one by one and all together.

  • Disconnect laptop screen (video and power cable) in order to connect an external one.

Funny thing: if no memory modules are on, BIOS will give correct beep code.

I'm quiet sure MoBo is broken, right? Any method to force BIOS upgrade/overwrite?

Worked once. Two weeks after this, black screen again. It won't turn on again, I'm afraid.
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