My macbook pro 2011 isn't charging anymore after I upgraded some parts

Mar 25, 2018
Hey guys, I replaced my old HD with an SSD and removed the optical reader ( im waiting my adapter so i can use both SSD and HD), upgraded the ram and I also applied some new thermal paste, which included unmounting the entire logic board which I'm farely sure I remounted correctly since everything is working. The problem is the computer isn't recognizing the power supply anymore (which was working fine before,now doesn't even light up) and now apple says the battery needs to be replaced soon (the cicle count is about 1250). I can't even power on using only the power supply, I tried even reseting the SMC but nothing changed. Any guesses on what could be wrong?
Thanks in advance
Make sure that the charging port wasn't left unplugged. I have found it helps to unscrew the charging port and plug the charger up to make sure the charger lines up correctly with the charging port. Also, try unplugging the battery and try powering on while using just the charger.
Make sure that the charging port wasn't left unplugged. I have found it helps to unscrew the charging port and plug the charger up to make sure the charger lines up correctly with the charging port. Also, try unplugging the battery and try powering on while using just the charger.
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I feeel like a complete idiot right now haha. DC cable was completely loose, must have fallen out when I was rebuilding. Thanks a lot.
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Not a problem. I have done this several times my self. It happens to the best of us.
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